Child Protection Organizations
Fundraising strategies
We manage the project in three blocks:
Is to raise funds via the "Wage payment software" platform where we help wage earners to purchase additional groceries without receiving wage increases
Is to raise funds out of the South African economy where we use the Enjoy Life phone app to source funds.
Is to send representatives abroad to negotiate financial support for caretakers.

The Homecare team will have to raise approximately R55 million per month that will be required if we are to support up to 4 000 employees within child protection and affiliated organizations. It will be a daunting task, but possible after we have implemented different software platforms.
We will also manage a "pledge" project over a 3-month period to raise an additional R122 million.
We do not necessarily need the entire R55 million to provide services to the people we want to help. Our support towards caretakers does not really acquire large amounts. Our main task is to help families of patients buy groceries at 5% discount. We also manage the process where brothers and sisters each pay in an amount and the software then order vouchers for the caretaker after all the different amounts has been collected. This actually resolve arguments between brothers & sisters. The family members know that the caretaker will only receive the digital vouchers after all the parties contributed.
We furthermore enable the family to raise funds directly for their patient by asking friends to link the patient’s code into their profiles. (It was explained under “marketing of the Enjoy Life app). Friends and family then earn income for their patient when they visit restaurants and fast-food businesses. These funds are not part of the Budget target we set ourselves.
We can however raise funds to help caretakers buy more groceries via our technology. It might take us up to 3 years to reach our planned targets.
The funds we intent to raise will be utilized into 3 projects:
34% will be allocated to frail care patients
33% will be allocated to child protection services and their affiliates
33% will be allocated to churches.
Herewith the broader financial targets:
We implement the project in phases. It is important to know that our first phase is to use the “Wage payment software platform” to raise funds. Phase 1 is to support the Low-income wage earners that we target for the project plan. This will be a combination of domestic workers, farm workers, building contractors etcetera.
The rest of the project relies on the Enjoy Life app to help bring in funds. LSM 6 and upwards phone users will only purchase groceries via the Enjoy Life app. (They will receive 3.5% discount on their grocery spending).
You are more than welcome to read all our software development and financial planning if you have additional time. It explains how we focus on sourcing large amounts.
We build our support plan on reasonable targets. You will later read that we plan to support 500 000 wage earners. Just to bring everything into perspective, there was in 2016 according to STATS SA approximately 15.8 million formal and informal workers. The tourism industry which is one of our focus points employed 686 596 people during 2016 on their own. We can with our Wage payment technology support wage earners in the agriculture, manufacturing, trade & utilities, construction and mining industries. We can also help normal domestic workers at homes.
It is important to know, for the tourism industry we will provide numerous services. We will help these businesses with free media support, help them to purchase products from retail industry at up to 5% discount, help their employees to gain more with their wages… We will definitely have a large clientele in the tourism industry. More detail from STATS SA:
If you work on the 20 minutes reading schedule, we recommend that you read only the following link and then go on to “Funds towards Child protection”
Our final task is to visit the largest organizations abroad who will be asked for support after we have completed the most important task, which is to use advanced technology to calculate the exact financial need that caretakers experience. We also need information about the financial constraints child protection branches experience. This will be information compiled after we implemented all our processes to help reduce the financial pressure. We already explained different strategies that we believe will be sufficient enough to protect child protection branches.
The following organizations will be asked to each make small contributions. (Small is relative to how companies abroad view donations towards South Africa. Our exchange rate is in our favour. The larger organizations might donate each donate $1 million per month, to help save a country. We might raise $7 million per month (R91 million) out of the following organizations:
Direct Relief (
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (
MAP International (
World Health Organization (
United Nations Foundation (
Americares (
Rotary Foundation (
What we want to explain is that our combined energy might exceed R100 million per month… All these funds will be used to support people in need.
Our intention is to negotiate for support from abroad with a clear commitment. The Homecare Foundation will distribute all the funds organizations abroad donate. There will be no administration costs involved. We will cover administration costs out of our South African fundraising drives. We will also only ask for support while we wait for our country to recover from huge losses as a result of political decisions. (This will therefore not be permanent support that we ask for)
Our focus is to raise funds from our own South African based networks. Fund managers abroad will appreciate our efforts if we can show them that we will work with integrity.