Financial support to caretaker families
The current economic climate in South Africa provides various challenges to the public, namely: a tumultuous mining sector and high unemployment rates resulting in financial difficulties; drought and the like resulting in high inflation of food prices.
This has a direct, negative impact on bedridden patients, where fundraising is especially difficult for those with serious diseases.
The Homecare Foundation is in extensive negotiations with large organizations and numerous smaller independent companies nationally to secure funding for caretakers’ financial support.
From December 2024
Applications by caretakers in need of funding per e-mail on:
A medical report and supporting documentation will be required by caretakers for the approval of additional grants.
Monthly distribution of donations received in prior month, proportionally shared among the successful applicants. We will do our best to help fund shortfalls on budgets.

Our commitment to the caretakers includes keeping the applicant information confidential, whereby only the board members / auditors would have access to personal information as needed.
Our Business Partners will have access to reports summarising:
how many caretakers per town/suburb received donations, and
the amount of funds paid out to caretakers.