Accommodation companies
Our economy is not doing well at the moment and
this also puts pressure on accommodation companies.
We have to focus on more than just one aspect to help accommodation companies increase profits.
The Homecare Foundation takes on one of the biggest challenges regarding frail care support. We need to provide business partners with the best tools, all aimed to help them get better support from their own clients as well as the public.
This project involves people who want to make a difference in their own communities. (We reward these people with benefits, but they first need to decide to make a difference.) Although the donations are small, and the comparative benefits are huge, you first need to decide if you want to help.
The Foundation’s success depends on our ability to involve the public. We need to become one of the most well-known NPO organizations in South Africa. The public must be informed that they do not need to donate out of their own pockets if they want to help bedridden patients. All we ask is that they support business partners who teamed up to provide to caretakers. They will stand chances of winning exceptional prizes when they support companies in our network.
There are six focus points that we describe in detail, all aimed to help our accommodation partners. The focus points are described separately. We indicate what is most important to read when you only have 30 minutes. You may read the entire website which may take up to an hour.
The project can help business owners with numerous aspects. Business owners can choose services they prefer. It is not compulsory to implement all 6 focus points.
We trust that all six focus points will help a company increase profits. We recommend that business owners (with a low booking percentage) read the entire website:

We ask existing guests to recommend your business to friends and family ("word of mouth" marketing which is the strongest method to secure more business).
We use advanced print technology to help us with this focus point.
Our unique partnership is explained in short - why we need to partner with accommodation companies to help bedridden patients. (read more...most important)

There is a centralized business directory which publishes information about businesses, the business owners and their personnel.
Clients will call accommodation partners directly and the Homecare Foundation will not ask any booking commission.
New advanced technology and highly recommended to read. (read more...most important)

The Homecare Foundation will manage the largest reward system where different industries can use one national competition structure, to thank their clients.
Accommodation companies, restaurants, plumbers, almost any kind of business partner, can use a platform where their clients can win vehicles, and other prizes, just because their clients used their services or bought their products.
We explain how invoices, statements and receipts will be used to market accommodation partners. The public is informed about our direct booking strategies and that bedridden patients will appreciate their support.
The coffee media campaign: “Enjoy life, buy a cappuccino from any of our partners and we will help bedridden patients” is also explained.
It is new strategies that enable companies to cross market and this will have an enormous positive impact on the business partners. (read more...most important)

Other business partners are asked to support our accommodation partners when they personally need accommodation for business or holiday trips.
Our business partners share the same vision and they will help each other. (read more...)

We target Facebook and other social media users who follow frail care, and other medical postings.
There is a huge following in social media when people post about frail care, home care and other medical related postings. We can target people effectively and also increase room occupation with our social media plans. (read more...)

Help accommodation companies reach internet clients, local and globally at the lowest cost possible.
Global internet companies change their support strategies to service internet users better. The best internet support structures are unfortunately not in South Africa.
Internet plays a critical role in the accommodation industry. We provide insight on new and better ways to target internet clients, local and globally at lower costs.
Most accommodation companies (guesthouses etc.) do not follow the trends and this information will help management teams to review internet strategies.
It is important for the Homecare Foundation that their business partners will do well. Our commitment is to reward a company more than 10 fold for their donations… (read more...most important)
Implementation plan
We implement the project in five phases:
Software development to earn income for patients (completed)
Invite business partners in different industries (in progress)
Invite committee members of all the different NPO organizations to become board members of the Homecare Foundation.
Launch our Social media, printed media and radio campaigns.
Negotiate with Government on behalf of all the most desperate patients, to receive an additional “Special grant”.
We anticipate completing the first 4 points before June 2016. We need to approach Government by the end of 2017, after we collected all the data about financial needs of bedridden patients. We will by then provide a track record regarding our fund distribution. (We only pay out funds to caretakers after the social workers confirmed the status of the patients.)
You can furthermore read the following:
Other services where we make your most valued clients feel important.
We provide additional support for companies involved with weddings, special occasions etc. (read more...)
"It is a once in a lifetime opportunity…" A statement that we explain with 7 facts.
We explain why we invite and help only a small number of companies increase profits as well as our production limitations which make it impossible to support a large number of companies. (read more...)
Thank You
Thank you for spending time on the website, we hope to be a blessing for you in return.
The Client Relationship Managers will also update management teams on a monthly basis about our progress to establish the accommodation network. Once again, a special thanks to all the companies that already registered. Words can’t explain our gratitude!

Implementation plan
We implement the project in five phases:
Software development to earn income for patients (completed)
Invite business partners in different industries (in progress)
Invite committee members of all the different NPO organizations to become board members of the Homecare Foundation.
We will work with the Alzheimer Association, the Cancer Association, the Multiple Sclerosis Association, all the different NPO organizations and help them support their patients. They will represent their individual organizations when we work with government.
Our task is to first prepare the data of all the companies in partnership before we take in the applications of patients. (We already received applications, but it would be wise to get the support structure in place before the media campaigns are launched, which will result in a large number of people applying.)