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Phone Media (Properties)

​Ask residents to help find properties for agents to market.

Enjoy Life app users will work with a Homecare representative on their phones. These people will notify users when they are in close vicinity to restaurants and other businesses where the user can donate or earn points for their bucket lists.


We will employ Homecare personnel to represent all the language preferences in our country. (Xhosa, Zulu, Tswana, English, Afrikaans etc.)


Most of the communication between the App user and the Homecare representative will be in the app user’s preferred language.


We will assist property principals if they are in need of additional stock in marketing areas they focus in. The principal can log a request for a specific suburb. The phone app will then communicate with the residents of that suburb and ask them to help find listings.   

The app will explain to residents that we work with the Ambassador agents and that we will ask the agent working in that area to assist the person.

Advertising properties together with the listing agent on the Enjoy Life app.

The Enjoy Life app will in a unique way advertise listings.

Agents will be able to ask homeowners for a 7-day window period before they invite additional agents. The reason for the request is that the Enjoy Life app will need at least 7 days to ask residents for information.

The Homecare team will notify the homeowner via e-mail when we received the listing on the phone app platform that we will appreciate a 7-day window period to give  residents in the geographical area enough time to reply on the messages we push to their phones.

Our strategy is to inform residents in a suburb about a new property that has become available to buy/rent. We will inform the persons about the listing, asking them if they perhaps have friends or family that might be looking for a property in their suburb. Part if Enjoying Life is to arrange that friends move into the same neighborhood.


If they know about such a person, we will appreciate the information. The Homecare Foundation relies on our property partners to provide support to caretakers of bedridden patients.

The Homecare team can help agents to get support from the community. We ask the residents to help find tenants and buyers… This will save the agent hours of work and lots of fuel costs.

Agents are supposed to distribute flyers of new listings to residents in the same street and surrounding properties, to ask residents for support. It is a mammoth task to complete this communication.

You will all agree that this important part of exposing the listing to residents in the area has become almost impossible to do! It is now more difficult to reach residents because people are fencing properties and they put up security gates to protect themselves… Today is not as in the early nineties, where you were able to knock on a person’s door! 

Agents in general try to save fuel and time. They often build up a list of e-mail addresses of residents. To e-mail residents who are not in the market themselves to buy/rent is a challenge. People frequently get annoyed when they receive e-mails they feel are not pertaining to them. Although the agents only ask for support, the public in general do not see the value in helping a specific agent.

Our structure is unique. We do not mail the residents. We publish a note on their phone when they use the Enjoy Life app for other purposes. To be able to broadcast a message on a client’s phone is a challenge, one that we can overcome for our agent partners.

More importantly, it is the Homecare Foundation that will publish the request, thus asking the public to help us and as a result, the agent benefit.


We will also inform the app user that we work with agents nationally. Information about property needs nationally are shared amongst top agents that help the Homecare Foundation. The Enjoy Life app will therefore become the strongest lead sourcing tool in the history of the property industry. It is not only residents, but also South Africans in other towns that can help an agent to work with clients in his/her area.

© 2015 Home Care

Impairment Homecare NPC 2015/393733/08

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