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Phone Media (Relationships)

Other relationship building strategies


The Homecare Foundation will support the property principal and his/her team with unique marketing support strategies.


Personal messages to residents

The Enjoy Life app can be used as communication tool for special days. We discuss this section separately, because these messages do not form part of the phone user’s settings. Remember that the user can set under “media section” how much communication the user is willing to accept on his/her phone.

Our business plan is not to flood the person with messages that may annoy him/her. We also need to ensure that people do not receive messages in the middle of the night etc. There is nothing more irritating than to get an sms message at 02H00 in the morning!

The principal will always be introduced to phone users residing in the marketing area. We already explained how the agents will be introduced after the app user has completed setting up his personal info on the phone app. It is however important to introduce the principal as our main “Ambassador” for the area.

The Enjoy Life app will also monitor and update new residents to the area about the principal representing the Foundation in the area. Enjoy Life app users will update their status after relocating to receive information from businesses surrounding his/her new home. It is almost impossible for property companies to track which people moved into the marketing area. Remember that there are numerous people that rent properties and it is not possible for any principal to manage such data.


The Enjoy Life app can however assist with this huge task. We need to monitor movement so that we can send out personal messages on behalf of the principal to as many residents as possible.

Birthday gifts via estate agents


The Homecare IT team also program a unique feature into the Enjoy Life phone app. 


We will be able to deliver restaurant vouchers to High LSM residents on behalf of agents on their birthdays.


The Homecare project will re-invest 5% of our income in restaurant deals. (We also re-invest 8% into fast-food deals). Your principal has access to more detail on the website and can read about the entire Enjoy Life app project and fundraising targets.

We develop the LSM profile builder software to help us establish which phone users can be linked to different LSM (Leisure Spending Money) profiles. It will be possible for us to distinguish between low-income people and high-income people.


Restaurateurs also need strategies to target high-income people. Our plan is to negotiate with restaurants deals where we for example contribute R200 out of the “Restaurant fund” to help buy a restaurant voucher for the person’s birthday. We will ask the restaurateur for a contribution. Most restaurateurs budget between R50 and R100 to entice people on their birthdays to visit restaurants.

The Homecare team will work in a unique business partnership with restaurants. They will receive free media support and new ways to increase business, especially over business hours periods. Restaurateurs will also be able to collect large amounts to help them fund their special offerings. We believe that it will be possible to negotiate a R200 contribution for High LSM profile clients.

It will therefore be possible to send a client a R400 voucher on his/her birthday. This gift will be delivered on behalf of the “Ambassador”.

Our plan is to support the first 200 estate agents who register on our platform and who buy R5 000 worth of personal groceries per month via the Phone platform. Our plan is to use R1 million (Out of the R8.9 million) per month from the restaurant budget to pay for these gifts.


These 200 agents will on average be in a position to hand out 25 Birthday vouchers per month to clients in his/her area. An agent will be in a position to hand out vouchers to the value of R10 000 per month, to help strengthen the relationship with High LSM income people.

The Principal will be able to send messages on special days to all the Enjoy Life app users in the marketing area, even people who do not receive birthday gifts. It is only the 200 agents that will receive additional support to strengthen relationships. The 200 agents will also be able to list people they would like the gifts to be arranged for. (It might be the birthday of a sole mandate client etc.)

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