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Restaurants & coffee shops

Is to manage national competitions on behalf of all the business partners to reward/thank the public for supporting them.

Second Example:


We negotiate with Dischem to become one of our main sponsors. (We negotiate with 6 corporate companies.)


The software will send out e-mails to people who register with their e-mail addresses. 

Dischem will be able to print their receipts that they are proud sponsors of the Homecare Foundation. Their customers can claim the amounts spent in a national competition where they stand a chance to win vehicles, holidays, restaurant vouchers etc. (For every R20 spent they receive one entry into the competition where numerous prizes can be won)


Their clients will visit the website, search for the branch they supported, and enter.


The Homecare Foundation will thereafter e-mail their client the following:

Dear Hanno Botha


Thank you for supporting Dischem Lynwood with your business. The Homecare Foundation received your entries into national competition and we allotted you with 11 entries for the R230.44 you have spent at Dischem Lynwood. The total number of entries for the January 2017 competition linked to: = 24 entries.


The total prize value for January 2017 is R1.67 million, which includes exceptional holiday prizes, a car and numerous other prizes. Please visit the website for prize details and for terms and conditions.


The Homecare Foundation is proud to be affiliated with Dischem Lynwood and with numerous other companies in our country. People like you, who support our partners, make it possible for us to help bedridden patients.


You can earn more entries when you support companies we work with. The Foundation partners with companies in different industries which include accommodation companies, coffee shops, restaaurants, hairdressers, plumbers etc. The list is endless. We will put you in contact with people that focus on service and who want to make a difference within their communities. 


Once again, thank you for your support! You help us make South Africa a better place for people in need.




The Homecare team.

​​The Homecare project is simultaneously implemented into different industries. The business plan is explained to different industries. The Foundation invites one pharmaceutical group; we might use Clicks or other groups. Restaurant partners will be updated on our progress.  

© 2015 Home Care

Impairment Homecare NPC 2015/393733/08

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