The Homecare Board is currently busy with negotiations, and we first approach Spar business owners. It is impossible to predict how many Spar owners will react positively. It might happen that the Homecare board are forced to approach Pick-n-Pay franchisees. We think that this will be unlikely, as we cannot foresee that any company will not be willing to increase turn-over, especially if we do not request the business owners to provide food at lower rates. Our negotiations for partnerships is in our view fair and reasonable.
The small network of food supplying companies may consist of different brands.. Furthermore, we will launch our national project with 50 food-supplying partners (situated in the major cities nationally). We can after launch complete the network. Business owners must know that we are implementing a business plan that we can execute.
You will realize that the Homecare Foundation is no ordinary Non-Profit Organization. We implement business strategies and advanced software to ensure that we will be able to support bedridden patients. It is only when we successfully help companies with what is important to them, that the Homecare Foundation can earn enough to support the patients. Although we will increase income for the Spar partners, we do not expect any donations on a long-term basis from Spar partners.
We understand the challenges of sourcing business for Food companies. In general, Food supplying companies sell products to customers where it is convenience for the customers to buy. This being said, customers still choose one store that are convenient located and there are often more than one option to choose from. Media therefore plays a role in enticing customers to drive to a specific store. We will later explain how we can secure more clients after taking all the challenges into consideration.
Our main objective is to have a partner so that we can manage a controlled environment to help caretakers. These people will be forced to drive to our partners, even if it is a bit inconvenient. (They need the products) The largest portion of our contribution towards a partnership will therefore be based on voucher spending.
There is the implementation period that we arrange business from our network partners, while we set-up the national network. These partners are also asked to sacrifice convenience for a short period and immediately buy groceries from our food partners. It is only a small percentage of people we engage for this period.
This is a community project and other business people within your community also help with the process and costs to establish a small network of companies that all support patients. It is however the food supplying partner that will gain the most, as funds raised by all the other partners will be spend at food partners without asking for better prices.
We ask the Food partners to also make small contributions that we manage in an Investment portfolio. We negotiate 9% commission on sales we generate out of a small network just for the launch period. We know that most companies earn 18% gross profit on sales, and we know that most companies only work on a 3% nett profit. We explain later how we manage funds and that we actually refund the Spar partner out of income that we will earn out of other industries. There is also a “Cap” on the amount of commission that the Foundation can earn. We will only earn commission to subsidize the capital amount that we ask Spar owners to invest. We immediately insure that our Spar partners gain financially when they join the project. More detail is published at ten of site under “Investment & returns”
This is also one of the best projects ever, to position a Spar owner as a pillar within the community. You will later read how technology will be used to present the food partner as a strategic business partner. There will most likely never be such well-planned marketing campaign in future that will enable a Spar business owner to be presented to community members in a similar way. The exposure alone is worth millions… At this point, we also need to explain that all our media campaigns are focussed on the positive… It is about Enjoying Life! We will NEVER ask the public to have empathy for patients. The only way to raise millions is to focus on the positive…
We are confident that the Homecare project can contribute to at least R700 000 turn-over per month, if you consider that we will source a large number of clients, not only the caretakers who can only buy their groceries via the 105 Spar branches. We manage and motivate family and friends of patients to also purchase products from the strategic Spar business partners. You will also later read how we develop the Enjoy Life app to support 10 focus points for Spar businesses. These focus points will engage the entire community and foreigners to buy products from our Spar partners. Our objective is to increase sales to reward our business partners!
This website is published so that Spar business owners Nationally can read about our project. We know that certain Spar branches are doing better than the rest. (Might be that they are situated in areas not effected by our economy, for example towns such as Stellenbosch where tourism is contributing towards income, and the tourists are mainly from abroad).
There are also Spar branches who have to compete against larger food supplying companies who all feel the pressure of our deteriorating economy… People are forced to spend less on groceries. They cannot afford high food prices. With this being said, we know that certain business owners reading this page, might be concerned about their businesses. It is such a cut-throat business to manage. Costs on staff and stock is extremely high and business risks equally high.
We explain all our focus points to secure business for the strategic partners in detail on the website. You will soon read how new technology can create new opportunities, that is not possible with the current marketing support platforms. Advanced phone technology can create opportunities that will contribute to more sales.
This is no ordinary project… There are thousands of people praying to God, asking for relieve and financial support… It is a unique project where other companies jumped in to provide to the most vulnerable people in our country. Any marketing company would have asked Food companies thousands, probably close to a Million Rand just to give them the unique edge above their opposition.
You will read how the technology focus on much more than only media support (which can save your company on certain fixed costs at least 70%). We develop smart phone technology to manage a voucher system that work with OTP functions so that we have a secured payment platform to release funds towards your company on a daily basis. The phone app technology can also be used to receive service ratings. The project also focuses to uplift staff relationships.
The Homecare project provides practical, functional solutions. We can secure large funds towards our business partners. It will be worth the time to read the website in detail. It will be IMPOSSIBLE for your direct opposition to implement such a well-planned structure to secure clients for their businesses.