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Investments for interim period

We implement a business plan where the restaurateur will immediately receive support from our network partners.


This project should be viewed as a business opportunity to increase sales. We implement a business plan where work is involved to help partners increase income.


We offer two options. One option is just to support people with the Launch competition. The other option is to make a small donation and also support the Launch competition.


The best investment any business owner can make is to invest into infrastructure that opposition will not have access to. You will always win your opposition if you have the ability to communicate better with a larger audience. We need to explain that it will be extremely difficult for opposition to duplicate what we are going to do. If you have time on hand, please read this link.

The Homecare Foundation and the Child Welfare branches invite 50 restaurants into a partnership. We know that the economy put pressure on numerous companies.


Readers can decide if they want to invest a small amount or simply just support the launch competition. The companies that help with cash-flow will be rewarded with a larger portion of the Restaurant marketing fund.


Why do we ask restaurateurs to consider an investment?


We implement a community project where numerous companies donate small amounts to set-up the network. The property companies, financial advisors, attorneys, food companies, everybody contribute small amounts to make it affordable to position the national network.


We are living in country where it is difficult to predict which companies are making profits and which are making losses. There are numerous food supplying companies that are now in a position where they make monthly losses. (It is not the business owners fault. It is the economy that is in a recession due to outside factors such as our political instability)


We focus on 5 companies per block to share costs that enables the Homecare team to complete the installation process. These companies are property companies, food companies, financial advisors, Child Welfare branches and restaurants.


The food companies get an option to donate fees and they will then receive 100% of the funds we use to buy groceries, or if the food company is under financial constraints, they have the option to join without an “capital investment” on a basis that they will in future then always receive 4% less on the funds we need to pay towards them to purchase groceries.


The Homecare team and the Child Welfare team needs to adapt our business plan to support food companies according to their abilities.


We will appreciate it if restaurateurs have the ability to donate to please support us with such an option. Restaurateurs that can donate will receive additional funds out of the Restaurant marketing budget.

What do we want out of a partnership with a restaurant partner?


Our main objective is to get 50 restaurants in place for the launch of the Enjoy Life app. We need to open the app with exceptional deals.


We also want these partners who will benefit hugely after we launched, to help us with the launch competition. You can read about the launch competition on different links that you will find on the Business partners page.

  • Church leaders

  • Social workers

  • Friends of Homecare Foundation

  • Physiotherapists

The Launch competition entails that the participants stand a chance to win R100 000 towards ticking an item on their “Bucket Lists”

We ask participants to purchase R100 restaurant vouchers. It is a paper voucher system that we use for the interim period.


We ask restaurateurs to donate R50 out of these vouchers to the Homecare Foundation and the Child Welfare branch.


There are different teams that will ask residents to support the launch competition.


The Homecare Foundation will transfer R50 into the restaurant’s bank account for every voucher sold. It doesn’t matter if the client uses the voucher or not.


We entice participants to spend as much as possible at the restaurants. They receive 5 entries into the Holiday competition worth R150 000 for every R1 spent at the restaurant partner. They also stand a chance to win the R100 000 Bucket list fund.

This will result in numerous people supporting the restaurant partners.


We also ask restaurateurs to support the property companies with 4 X (R150 vouchers) per month. The property companies will buy vouchers for their employees as a reward programme. We ask the property partners that they must spend in the region of R300 when they use their R150 vouchers.


The property partners are also required to purchase vouchers for their home buyers who bought properties. Vouchers that clients receive will be for larger amounts (up to the value of R500 each). We will only keep R50 on these vouchers to help fund the Homecare project and the Child Welfare branches.

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