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Financial advisors


This project is about helping people with frail care needs in the financial advisor’s geographical area. We also need to provide financial advice to family and friends of these patients and they often reside in other towns and provinces. We therefore need to negotiate business relationships with financial advisors in all the major towns and cities nationally.

We will obviously not negotiate with every financial advisor working in a town. We need to provide benefits to the financial advisors that help the Foundation.

The Foundation suggest a Donation/Finder’s fee of 20% of the first year's fees on successful business where we provided the leads via our support team (A fee that existing advisors are willing to donate).


It is important to know that such donation is a personal decision and that the funds are used to help support patients. We also need to provide a service to prevent people from getting into financial constraints when they became in need of frail care support.  

We believe in an open working relationship with financial advisors. The Foundation will help source business and the financial advisors can donate if they are not under financial constraints during that month. It is not compulsory to donate fees on every policy. There is no contractual obligation to pay donation fees. We already explained that we even develop media structures to help advisors find clients for whom they do not need to donate.

The Foundation however reserve the right to invite more financial advisors in the area if we do not get a fair amount of donation income from a specific advisor who were successful on leads we provided.

We also ask financial advisors to participate in the Enjoy Life campaign.

The Foundation negotiates with management that they buy vouchers from our restaurant and fuel station partners until June 2017 as part of their contribution towards the Homecare Foundation.


You may receive a coffee or perhaps another voucher where you will be able to dine at one of our restaurant partners. You may also be requested to donate for example R25 per month, to receive one cappuccino voucher.


Management will inform the financial advisors on vouchers if they decided to donate on our voucher platform.

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