Accommodation companies

Is to manage national competitions on behalf of all the business partners to reward/thank the public for supporting them.
Competitions within the national competition
The Foundation can help a company to run their competition within the national competition. The prize the company offers can only be won by their clients.
We explain with two examples. The first example explains how vouchers in the accommodation industry will be purchased and the second example explains how the Foundation will help a company to purchase restaurant vouchers.
We also explain how your own staff can participate in competitions, aimed to motivate them so that they focus on exceptional service!

First Example:
Competition software enables the Foundation to “create” business for our accommodation partners.
The Homecare Foundation can negotiate with business partners in other industries to run competitions for their clients where their clients can win week-end breaks or holiday trips. 9 Regional managers will help accommodation companies with such negotiations.
Our strategy is to help accommodation companies establish a solid client base within as short period as possible. Certain accommodation companies are often fully booked. The only way the Foundation can help these companies increase profits, is to reduce bookings via booking agencies.
There are companies with an average room occupation below 70%. The Foundation can help these companies increase business via “word of mouth” marketing. Accommodation companies who need additional business can offer a voucher for the competition software at a discounted rate to our other business partners.
It is important not to portray the accommodation company as a company that easily offer discounts to source business. The public should as far as possible not know about discounts negotiated. Our view about discounts is that it may have a negative impact on our strategy to increase recommendations. People that only seek to find bargains often do not recommend the companies they supported.
They are often shy to tell friends that they stayed at a specific guesthouse, just because the rate was so cheap. They will easily tell others when they stayed at an expensive lodge about their experience and they will recommend those businesses… The challenge is to get the guesthouse fully booked without informing the public about special rates.
Accommodation companies can e-mail their Homecare regional manager when they want to offer accommodation for vouchers. This information will be kept confidential.
The offerings from accommodation partners are logged into a national database. The regional managers will communicate with business partners in other industries. The regional managers will ask business partners if possible to offer accommodation prizes to their most valued clients via the competition software. They will ask business owners to help the Foundation increase our competition platform.
The regional managers will not mention the accommodation companies who already notified them about possible vouchers at lower rates. The regional managers will inform the business owners that they will approach our accommodation companies to negotiate discounts, if the business owners have special clients they want to show gratitude. It will be easier for the regional managers to work through the database of accommodation companies that indicated their willingness to offer vouchers.
The other business partners we negotiate with can then manage the number of clients they want to enter into the national competition, meaning that they will only register the clients they want to win the prize they offer.
For example:
A director of an IT company, BitSavvy decided that he wants to reward a specific client who spends large amounts with them.
In the example of Holiday and Accommodation prizes, we published a prize offered by BitSavvy and by Tomjachu Bush Retreat
In our example BitSavvy bought a voucher from Tomjachu Bush Retreat via the Homecare platform. They paid R25 000 for the voucher. The prize is valued R 40 000.
The director wants only one person to win this prize, so he captures the information of that specific client. The Foundation will email the client and inform the client that he was entered into a national competition. The client stands a chance to win the car (same e-mails as we explained earlier under software structure).
The Foundation will notify the director if his client won the car. We will ask if he can donate his prize or do we need to use the prize for next month’s competition? He can upload another client or more clients during the following month if he keeps his prize.
The benefits for the parties involved will be:
The lodge receives clients. The lodge’s discount is viewed as a donation and the lodge also receives media exposure for their discount.
The Homecare Foundation receives media exposure to clients of BitSavvy. (This will also benefit the other business partners in the network)
BitSavvy receives the following:
They run a competition without the need of marketing budget to advertise their competition.
They do not need staff to manage their competition.
They obtain prizes at lower rates.
Their clients can win the national prizes (car, expensive holidays etc.) and if they do not win the larger prizes, only their clients will win the accommodation vouchers that BitSavvy paid for.
Our task is to create business to help our accommodation partners. We will also work with companies who cannot afford such expensive gifts as in the first example. We might have companies that can only pay R3 000 towards a gift to thank a loyal customer.
The prizes do not need to include travel costs etc. It will benefit everybody if the company receives a discount from our accommodation partner, and the partner receives additional media coverage plus a client that in future can participate in “word of mouth” marketing.
The winner of the prize (although he/she is related to the company that ordered the prize) will be grateful that the company entered them into the competition. The winner might be under financial strains due to the current economy, but when he/she sees that the accommodation is already being paid for, they will use the prize. All they need is to cover travel costs.
The client might have stayed at home during week-ends and now we created a vacation/weekend break that wouldn’t have been possible. The benefit for the Foundation would be that we can publish that we manage larger competitions… and it is true, remember that the client first stands a chance to win the car or perhaps one of the larger holiday prizes which the Foundation and all the business partners combined offer. We foresee that most of the companies will then donate their smaller prizes so that we can hand it out to the public who entered.
In the accommodation prize list, we published examples of 8 guesthouses, lodges and boutique hotels.
The Oyster Box is an example where Wynberg Plumbing Works donated a fee to the Homecare Foundation to help the Foundation obtain a prize for the national competition. The prize is open to every person that enters into the national competition. Wynberg Plumbing Works get media coverage for their donation.
Sibya Casino was negotiated out of the national marketing fund.
If you want to view how we will publish the accommodation partners again, pleas click on this link. Note that the public will be able to access each company’s website when they click on the company’s name.
Second Example: (Click here if you want to read how Axis Mechanical Design will purchase restaurant vouchers)
Staff competitions
The Business directory software with its competition management system creates opportunities that were never available before.
Staffs are almost more important than clients! A company’s success is often determined by the staff working at the company.
The software can manage competitions aimed at the public and it can simultaneously manage competitions that will encourage staff so that they focus on service.
The Foundation provides a support structure where companies can either run internal competitions, or they can compete against other companies within the same industry.
Example will be fuel station companies who can use the software so that the staff working at the fuel station companies can compete in a national competition where the winner win a holiday break that include airfares etc.
The Foundation will assist the different fuel station branches who register for the National staff competition with unique services. The winners of each branch will be determined by the public.
Each branch winner will receive his/her personalized magazine with him/her printed on the cover page of a magazine. The magazine will include a letter from management that congratulates the person on his/her achievement. We also include an editorial of the previous month’s national competition winner that we interview at the holiday destination. The editorial includes pictures taken at destinations etc.
The branch winners will compete against each other and the national winner will be determined with a lucky draw. (For every point earned in the branch competition, an entry is allocated into the national competition.)
The national winner will win holiday package where the winner needs to fly towards the destination.

The software enables the Foundation to help different companies with staff competitions. The competitions can be focussed on the company alone… Example an auditing company wants to run a staff competition where it purchase either an accommodation voucher, or a restaurant voucher. The public do not interact with all the staff. Management of the auditing company will determine their own employee of the month. The Foundation will purely help with acquiring the prizes (vouchers) from our other business partners.
A company can also run competitions where only staff that interact with their clients can participate in... Such an example would be a restaurant where the waitresses compete in an internal competition. The public who visited the restaurant can then rate the waitress they were served by. The restaurant owners can also combine other aspects (their own scoring methods) with the ratings from the public to determine the staff winner.
When companies enter their staff into a national staff competition, the only method of determining the winner will be the scoring the public provided. We can help restaurants nationally where all the restaurants enter their waitresses into a national staff competition. The winner can win a holiday trip to the value of R30 000 for example. The focus on service will help the restaurant partners enormously!
There will be numerous companies on the Homecare Business directory that have staffs who deal with the public. We foresee that numerous fast food companies will enter their staff into National staff competitions. Examples of such companies will be Roams Pizza franchises, or any other Pizza franchises. It could be Steers franchises… The list is endless. The regional managers will negotiate in each town with fast food businesses to partner with the Foundation.
Accommodation companies can also enter their staff into either an internal competition, or into a national staff competition. It will have an enormous impact when even the cleaning staffs are friendly towards guests. Click on this link to take you to the business directory if you perhaps missed the example we published with Dai Heka Guesthouse
We ask companies who want to use the competition platform to encourage staffs a donation of R25 per personnel member. These donation fees go into the competition fund. The staff member will receive 2 entries into the national competition where they stand a chance to win the car or other exceptional prizes.
The accommodation company can also negotiate a restaurant voucher from one of our restaurant partners. The regional managers will negotiate a voucher at discounted rate. One of the staff members will then win the restaurant voucher if he/she didn’t win the national prizes.
We will ask our accommodation partners if they want to enter staffs into a national staff competition for accommodation companies. The winner of such competition will obviously win a large prize.
The Homecare Board foresee that we might need to run/manage approximately 500 internal competitions… A large number will be small businesses who only have staff competitions internally.
Staffs can make or break a company!!!