Round Table Southern Africa
Well-planned software development can change the destiny of many South Africans.
We explain how a small team (10 software developers and data managers, plus 8 accountants) can within months use technology to help our government in a way they would not have expected.
The Homecare IT team develops 7 different software structures to secure at least R100 million per month for bedridden patients, child protection services, and funds needed to support preachers who work with the deaf community. We can also disburse these funds to Round Table clubs.
The 7 software platforms are:
Grocery Support software
Enjoy Southern Africa accommodation booking system
Logbook software
LSM profile builder software
Church & School communicator software
Enjoy Life phone app
Personnel recruitment software
The software we develop is mainly focussed on supporting the tourism industry. In a unique way, it will be possible to help our government to grow the small business sector, which will then result in a better economy to support the poor.
The first software platform that we prepare to implement is the Grocery Support Software platform. It is a tool that we want to integrate with existing salary and wage payment platforms used by companies.
Grow our economy
Our goal is to help the Government create work opportunities in South Africa, with a specific focus on small to medium size businesses. It is impossible for a country to grow its economy if it remains in isolation. Our Government relies on the tourism industry to lure foreigners towards South Africa. Tourists (foreigners) might investigate business opportunities after they experienced our country’s generosity.
Tourism globally is a competitive industry and governments globally relies on their tourism departments to succeed.
South Africa welcomed 10,29 million foreign tourists (visitors who stayed overnight) in 2017. This is up only 2,4% over 2016. We know that it is possible to grow this sector substantially with the support of exceptional well-planned technology.
There is no Software system that focus on generating additional business from abroad specifically aimed to support only South Africa and the neighbouring countries. Our accommodation companies rely on booking systems such as, which is owns and managed by a Netherlands company based in Amsterdam. will not favour one country above the rest. They earn more income across the entire tourism industries globally.
According to information we gathered from STATS SA on a report about Tourism Accommodation in in February 2017, the accommodation companies received R22,735 Billion for accommodation From January till December 2016. (This is only for accommodation and exclude other costs such as restaurant meals etc.)
We believe that at least 85% of these accommodations were as a result of internet bookings. We estimate that the industry lost R2.7 Billion for the 2017 book year in booking fee commissions that in most cases end up in companies abroad. These fees could have been better utilized to help people in our country.
The Homecare team develops the Enjoy Life phone app and Enjoy Southern Africa booking systems that will be positioned on the Enjoy Southern Africa website domains. This is the most advanced integrated systems between phone apps, and booking sites. The software structure furthermore involves all the companies who can provide services to foreigners visiting our country.
The software we develop will help us to secure at least 60% of funds that ends up abroad. The funds we secure will be used to reward staff working within the tourism industry better. Our plan is that a third of these funds should go to additional groceries for staff members. One third will be transferred to the Hotels, Guesthouses and Lodges to help these business owners reduce operational costs. The balance (one third) will be used for community projects.
We believe that it will be possible to provide Round Table clubs + R22,89 million per month out of the tourism industry in cash for projects they manage.
We develop unique software structures that will even enable our Government to communicate with foreigners on their phones…. This website explains business plans that can only be executed with software we develop. We believe that it will be possible to grow our tourism sector with up to 15% per year. The additional revenue will not only impact the accommodation companies. The additional foreigners in our country will also have a direct impact on other companies, such as fast-food businesses, restaurants, fuel stations. There is a lot of spin-offs if we can lure additional foreigners to our country.
The software might be the most important software ever developed to help our country get out of its recession.
Grocery Support software.
The grocery support software that you will read about is an important project we work on. This software system will also help the Government with unique projects. One project for example is to help the Basic Police Development Programme. The software will provide + R500 additional groceries per month to new recruits during the first 10 months while they receive basic training at the SAPS Academy. The basic salaries for people joining the Police force is relatively small during the first 10 months. They only receive R3 175 per month. We believe that a better-quality person will consider the Police as a career if the private sector also gets involved in helping these people.
The Grocery Support software will also generate additional funds for the Round Table clubs. We will within 8 months be in a position to help the clubs with grocery vouchers to the value of R10,625 million per month.
The combined contributions (Funds plus grocery vouchers) that will be in the region of R33,5 million per month should be in our opinion one of the largest financial contributions that Round Table clubs will be able to rely on for community projects.