Child Protection Organizations
How will I benefit?
Our Business models
When you receive groceries, you can compare it to receiving cash. Every person is forced to use cash to purchase groceries....
The Homecare team manages this project as if we would manage investments. If you are fortunate to receive a Pledge Certificate, then you can think of it as receiving funds that you invest. The "interest" can be used to pay for groceries and other essentials for as long as you live.
The Homecare team basically help a large number of people, to obtain small amounts. We do this, in order to help a small number of people gain HUGE financial rewards.

You may ask... Why do the Homecare Foundation NOT pay out 5% (the entire discount) to the Low-Income people... A large number of people will gain more...
Please note that the large number of people do not work as social workers. They do not work under enormous risks to help children in need. The Homecare team also needs to raise funds so that we can help bedridden patients. In our opinion, our offer to the poor is fair. We give them 4% and only keep 1% so that we can help a small group of individuals we believe should get financial assistance.
We already mentioned that it could be possible that we will work with 4 million South Africans. It will be a breeze for us to help far more than 4 000 families on our platform if we receive 1% of grocery spending from 4 million South Africans. The Homecare Foundation will receive R100 million per month on R2 500 grocery spending per low-income family. We will then, without the Enjoy Life app software, help more than 10 000 families… the question is, what will happen if we only help a small number of domestic workers…?
You may also ask… Why will the Homecare Foundation help a social worker or staff at Non-Governmental Organizations with up to R8 000 per month?
If you would receive R8 000 per month, it will be because you deserve it! The Homecare team knows that staff at Non-Governmental organizations are paid far below Government Employees. The Homecare Board decided that we will rather help a small number of people with enough funds, than to help a large number of people without making a significant difference. The initial people who accept our invitation are responsible to help create platforms that will forever in future make a difference in lives of millions.
You will be able to plan your own financial support. Also, if we give you R8 000 per month, it could be compared to you having an investment account of R2.18 million. You will need such a large amount on an investment account, that can receive 5.5% interest per year, before you will be able to purchase groceries on a monthly basis without working for it!
How long will it take the Homecare team to help with such an amount?
The initial group should receive large amounts within 12 months. We will within 3 months start to fund your groceries, and the financial support will increase rapidly on a monthly basis.
We are fortunate that numerous companies are looking for ways to help their employees. You only need to understand exactly what is expected from you, and why we need up to 3 months to provide these support services to wage earners…
You will most likely NEVER get the Government to give you R2.18 million so that you can retire! It is almost impossible to save such funds out of a salary…. So, this might be the largest gift ever that you can receive.
The Wage Payment Software platform is now in its last phase of development... Just to give readers a better idea. The software we need to support you during the “Pre-Launch phase” already took up 5 months to prepare. We need advanced, complicated software to help you.
We should be ready for deployment of the Web-based Wage Payment Platform on a national scale by 31 December 2018. We will then start to support companies and out of their employees fund your groceries.
What is the challenge?
At the moment, We experience up to two days delay when we order digital vouchers…It is something to get used to. It is only for the interim period that this will be part of our lives.
Our aim is to eventually only work on ONE gift card…. A card that can be compared to a bank debit card.
For now, if you want to buy groceries from Shoprite, you will need to use the Shoprite Gift Card. If you want to buy from Pick n Pay, then you will need to use the Pick n Pay gift card… It may sound bizarre, and it is something to get used to.
The Homecare Foundation cannot immediately launch a single gift card that all the food supplying companies will immediately accept… first, we need buying supremacy. We need a large number of wage earners on our first phase software platform.
Our challenge is to motivate our “Ambassadors” to change their mindsets. The Homecare team work with numerous goodhearted people in other industries as well. They will not hugely benefit financially out of groceries… they purely help us with the digital voucher platform, because they want to help the poorest of the poor, and they also share in our vision to help child protection services…
The Enjoy life phone app will in future resolve this problem and it will then only take seconds to order a digital voucher of food companies for your phone.
For now, we have to collect the funds from all the people, and we then need to transfer it to the food company. The food company’s accountants can only issue digital vouchers after the funds is in their bank accounts. We then need to forward the digital vouchers to the different phones.
We also provide this service on a weekly basis. We update participants via e-mail about available dates to order from the different food groups.
The small number of people who help us resolve this challenge, must be rewarded. It will be impossible to help all the other people we plan to assist, if the initial ambassadors and social workers do not commit their support for the interim period.
That is why we decided to develop the “Pledge Certificates”. We will honor our agreements.
The software knows which Pledges belong to people within child protection services and which belongs to our “Angel Donators” or other “Ambassadors”
The Homecare Board decided to develop the Pre-Launch software so that we can provide financial support in blocks:
Block A) Staff
Block B) Director + friends & family of staff
Block C) Board members of Non-Governmental Organizations
Block D) Other Homecare Ambassadors (Our notable donators, estate agents, preachers etc.)
A staff member might have Pledge Certificate number 399 and although the certificate number is high, the staff member will be part of Block A meaning the person will receive financial support before a director of welfare organizations.
We work on a 3-month strategy. The 3-months will become applicable when we send you a document that the Web-based Wage Payment platform is published and ready for use. (You might know people with domestic workers who would like to help their employees)
The 3-months after the first person on the Wage Payment software platform received vouchers should allow us enough time so that we can start with our financial support.
The software will first send vouchers to the value of 5% of your Pledge agreement out of the available funds. All the people in Block A will receive vouchers before we support Block B and so forth.
We will add another 5% on Block A as soon as all the other Blocks received financial support. We expect a steep increase in available funds within a short period. Remember that we work on a national platform. "Word of mouth" and social media marketing will spread the message that Employers can help their Employees.
We believe that within 6 months after the first vouchers were send to your phone that we will buy at least 50% of your groceries. Block A should be 100% funded within 9 months. We explain later what happens if we only support small numbers.
The software will issue you a Pledge Certificate after we know what your financial needs are. (Remember that it will be kept confidential)
The software provides the Homecare management team reports on how far behind or in front we are on growing your investment account.
Let us use R8 000 as an example:
You will receive the option to plan how much funds you need, based on one rule (How large your family is) meaning how many people is in your household. You might for example live with your parents and you share living costs with them.
You will be able to ask your parents to support you. Your suggestion is that they purchase groceries via this platform, so that you can increase your income. Remember that you can pay for pre-paid electricity, food, clothing, medicine, even beverages via Gift – Cards.
It is possible to secure up to R8 000 out of this project, for as long as there is 5 people living in your household. F
You might also be in a situation where you live in a small town where there is not a Shoprite, Checkers, USave or a Pick n Pay. There might be a Spar, but we prefer to focus on the 4 food stores we mentioned for the first 3 months. The reason for this is that we receive commission based on sliding scales.
The current discounts we receive from food companies is as follow:
Pick a Pay
Orders between R0 and R25 000 = No discount
Orders between R25 001 and R50 000 = 2.5% discount
Orders above R50 001 = 5% discount
Shoprite group (Shoprite, Checkers & USave)
Orders between R0 and R9 999 = No discount
Orders between R10 000 and R99 999 = 2% discount
Orders between R100 000 – R499 999 = 3% discount
Orders between R500 000 – R999 999 = 4% discount
Orders above R1 000 000 = 5% discount
Orders between R0 and R19 999 = No discount
Orders between R20 000 – R500 000 = 2.5% discount
Orders between R500 001 – R1 million = 3.75% discount
Orders above R1 000 001 = 5% discount
Orders between R0 – R500 000 = No discount
Orders above R500 001 = 3% discount
Ambassadors residing in small towns
The Homecare team developed additional functions into the software so that we can help social workers in small towns. We ask them to invite family or friends in other towns to please support the Pre-launch project. These family/friends will also receive Pledge documents from the Homecare Foundation, with a commitment that we will support them with their grocery spending. Please note that the Homecare server will issue Pledge documents and is not restricted to a number of certificates. We will send out invitations to people who can become Ambassadors of the fund. The family and friends of social workers are not "Ambassadors". They will however receive financial support if they are willing to help the social worker in a small town.
So, in short, you reside in a town such as Sutherland. You need/want help, but you cannot purchase R8 000 worth of groceries per month in Sutherland. You have different options. You fill in the Pledge document (a document that you receive via e-mail) that you need R8 000, explaining how many people is in your household.
You will on your e-mail document be able to nominate family or friends to help. (We ask that you phone your nominees and explain in short what the Homecare Foundation intend to do.) The Homecare software will then invite these nominees, and we explain that you need their help. We explain that they will also receive financial support for their efforts.
You can for example list 5 people and divide the R8 000 amongst them. One person (your dad or mom or best friend) receive an e-mail requesting a R3 000 pledge, the other person R1 000 and another R500… You can plan and negotiate with your support team just as it suits them.
People in small towns who cannot receive digital vouchers will receive EFT payments from the Homecare Foundation to help them purchase their groceries. (We know of people who can only buy products from OVK etc. There is no Spar in town.)
Ambassadors residing in towns with a Pick n Pay, or any of the Shoprite group companies
We also help people with a service where they can donate small amounts if they perhaps did not buy enough vouchers to service the Pledge agreement.
The Homecare team receive 5% of grocery spending (from Shoprite group & Pick n Pay) that we use for the development and for the implementation of the Wage Payment Software platform. It is your 5% that we use for a short period.
It is 5% that in most scenarios you did not had access to. We prefer to help you with fees that the food companies pay on your behalf.
When we issue a Pledge Document, we actually go into an Agreement with you. We will implement the Wage Payment Software Platform on your behalf… It is almost as if you are a Shareholder, with the understanding that we must help you earn money on your investment… The only difference is that there is a “Cap” on your investment… You can only receive a maximum amount…
Our R 8 000 example
We know that most social workers with families rely on income from their spouses to purchase groceries. You should think in this project about the following... It is not about how much funds you have available at the moment to purchase groceries... it is about how much funds you believe will make life easier that you should think about... You can plan accordingly. This is an investment opportunity, offered to people who deserve it.
Let us say you qualify for R8 000 support (You have 5 persons in your household). You and you spouse decide to go for the R8 000 support plan.
You and your spouse currently spend R4 000 per month on groceries. If you decide to purchase your groceries via the Digital Platform, then you will receive 200 points. You will receive 5% of the amount spent at the Food stores in points.
The Homecare Foundation will issue a Pledge Document where we commit to work until we provide you with groceries to the value of R8 000, even if it takes us 2 years if we cannot secure enough funds out of the Wage Payment Platform, and we need to allocate funds out of the Enjoy Life app… we will work until we reach our Pledge target.
The Pledge document state that we will pay out the percentage of what the Applicant managed. You need to secure 400 points… So, the groceries will bring in 200 points. You now need an additional 200 points. You can donate R200 for the shortfall in points. You will receive 1 point for every R1 donated.
The project might take 2 months after we launched before the first 5% of your grocery commitment is received back via Digital Vouchers. We will provide vouchers out of the Wage Payment Platform. A staff member with R8 000 Pledge Document will receive a voucher of R400 as reward. That staff member will then only need to purchase vouchers to the value of R3 600. The next month should result in another R800 voucher and the month thereafter larger amounts. The staff member will in a short period have funds available out of his/her salary that can be utilized for other expenses.
The pledge document will become active when we do our first voucher. The points you secured during the pre-launch period will calculate your support. If you only secured 70% of the points needed, then the Homecare team will only issue 70% of the funds we pledged on the document.
In our example, the person donated R200 per month for 3 months, so that the 100%-point target remained active on our server. After 3 months, the Homecare team is obligated to work and manage software platforms until we can secure R8 000 per month… we cannot help other social workers before we are sure we can honor our current Pledge documents.
If you look at the investment… The person donated R600 in total, to receive R400 per month (the initial 5%) via digital vouchers. We cannot support Block B persons with 5% before we completed Block A… The person will receive R4 800 per year if we only remain on 5% … You will need at least R87 000 on an investment account at 5.5% interest to receive R4 800 per year!
The Investment Capital Value increases dramatically once we start to provide 10% of the Pledge document… and so it will increase dramatically until we provide the entire Pledge amount.
There is numerous detail on how we are going to market the Enjoy Life phone app published on the Enjoy Life app section… You must understand that the Wage Payment software platform will also receive extensive marketing support. We will arrange that newspapers publish editorials about the ability to help domestic workers… we will use radio to reach employers, we will use social media… We are not going to waste time to help the poor!
Value in having a Pledge Certificate.
An investment is only an investment if you can receive the benefit without restrictions. This being said, if you receive a Pledge certificate, it will be with you for the rest of your natural life.
The certificate will also support your spouse, should you be outlived.
The spouse will only receive financial support for as long as the spouse does not get remarried.
The certificate is unfortunately not transferable to your children. You can also not sell the certificate.
How long do we expect our support to remain available?
There are different options to invest money. You can buy shares in companies or invest money at financial institutions. Every investment has a certain risk factor. If you invest in shares, the risks remain that the stock prize can drop…
The best investment in our view is to invest in food… It is a commodity that nobody can live without. You need to ask yourself the following questions?
Do I think that poverty in South Africa will ever be demolished?
It is unfortunately sad fact that there will always be poverty amongst South Africans. There will also be numerous employers who will look for opportunities to help their staff get as much value as possible out of their wages. The Wage Payment software supporting staff will therefore forever play an important role within the South African economy.
Will the need to raise funds for staff amongst Welfare Organizations ever stop?
Unfortunately, this will never end… The Homecare team must therefore continue to develop and manage software platforms to help our “ambassador” partners.
Will there ever be a scenario where there are no bedridden patients at home?
This is also unfortunately something that will remain with us for years to come. We do not think that our country’s Social Welfare and grants will change. We do not foresee that our country will compare to social support in countries such as in the United Kingdom etcetera.
For as long as we need to support bedridden patients, Pledge Certificates will remain active… The Homecare team, and the teams to take over management will therefore always be obligated to honor our Pledge Agreements.
What is now expected from me?
If you want our support, please fill in the document that you received via e-mail. If you need such a registration e-mail, please mail
If you perhaps reside in a small town and need support from family or friends, please phone them and explain to them that the Homecare Foundation is now preparing for the launch of the Wage Payment Software platform. We invite families and you would like to register yourself for the Pre-launch phase.
You can arrange that they will receive 100% discount in future on their grocery spending if they participate in the pre-launch phase.
Explain to them that we need volume on grocery spending and that they will be rewarded. You can also tell them that Social Workers is only part of the entire project plan. There are 5 focus points we mention in the e-mails, and they will also receive e-mails that explain to them these 5 focus points.
You can also tell these people that they can still use their Smart Shopper cards to receive rewards. The Gift Card is only a method of payment. You do not loose your benefits from your loyalty cards. If you buy for example products from Pick n Pay, then you will swipe your Smart Shopper card to receive points and you will then ask the cashier to swipe the Gift-Card to pay for your products.
We have staff and directors who already helped us during the pre-test phase before we concluded the software needed for the pre-launch period. These people bought digital vouchers and they tested the process inside food companies.
It took us more than 8 weeks to develop systems so that we can commit to readers a fairly speedy service without any hick-ups. You are even able to provide us your banking details should we not be able to order your vouchers within the short periods we commit when we notify you that orders are open. The Homecare accountant will then reimburse you via EFT payment.
We require from people who have never ordered a digital voucher to make a R100 donation. (We will help you with that after we received your Pledge document)
The software will save your “Pledge Amount” into a database. The software then calculates on a daily basis how much points you should generate via your grocery spending, to give you reports on whether you are behind or in front of target when you order digital vouchers.
You will receive 100 points for your pledge certificate. You will receive e-mails that publish the points you earned, and you will immediately be in front of your target... You can thereafter plan your grocery spending and plot it on the e-mail documents you will receive.
The Homecare Board does not want to issue a Pledge Certificate to people who are not serious about this project. The documentation that you will receive via e-mail will help you. N
Thank you so much for your valuable time!
May God Bless.