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Social workers

Fundraising strategies


We explain our fundraising strategies and how we report on the distribution of such funds.

We manage the project in three blocks:

  1. Is to raise funds out of the South African economy where we use the Enjoy Life phone app to source funds. (Target = R66 million per month)

  2. Is to approach South African organizations such as the National Lottery and larger companies in other industries for example mining sector.

  3. Is to send representatives abroad to negotiate financial support for caretakers.

The Homecare board is preparing software to help as many caretakers as possible. We believe that we will within months exceed 12 500 patients. We know that we will have to engage with larger South African organizations if the support required is much more than 12 500 patients. The Enjoy Life app will also support approximately 3 000 smaller fundraising events per year.


We will, before we send representatives abroad (and we are going abroad), negotiate with “key organizations” in our country to help the caretakers. Our local companies will also only help if they know that we can prevent corruption.


Our final task is to visit the largest organizations abroad who will be asked for support after we have completed the most important task, which is to use advanced technology to calculate the exact financial need that caretakers experience. The following organizations will be asked to each make small contributions. (Small is relative to how companies abroad view donations towards South Africa. Our exchange rate is in our favour. The larger organizations might donate each donate $1 million per month, to help save a country. We might raise $7 million per month (R91 million) out of the following organizations:

What we want to explain is that our combined energy might exceed R100 million per month… All these funds will be used to support people in need.

Our intention is to negotiate for support from abroad with a clear commitment. The Homecare Foundation will distribute all the funds organizations abroad donate. There will be no administration costs involved. We will cover administration costs out of our South African fundraising drives. We will also only ask for support while we wait for our country to recover from huge losses as a result of political decisions. (This will therefore not be permanent support that we ask for)


Our focus is to raise funds from our own South African based networks. Fund managers abroad will appreciate our efforts if we can show them that we will work with integrity.

Spar owners might one day be surprised when everything is completed. We know that it will take up to 3 years to complete our mission.


For planning purposes, we only discuss our fundraising strategies out of the technology, and out of South African market

Enjoy Life Phone app fundraising


The only way to raise millions successfully, will be to implement a well-planned business plan that involves the usage of advanced software. Enjoy Life app users that donate funds must also be rewarded for their financial contributions.


We use advanced smart phone technology to its fullest potential. The project focus on two aspects:


  1. Media

    It is possible to save companies millions per month, and these cost savings (a percentage of it) can be passed on to the bedridden patients.

  2. High gross profit on beverages

    The other important action plan is to use products with higher gross profit margins to reward the public for supporting the patients. We know that companies often use products such as coffee or wine, in marketing as a tool to draw clients to their restaurants. Fuel stations also use similar action plans to draw clients to their premises.


With these two focus points in mind, we developed a well-planned business model that will enable us to support bedridden patients for years to come.

The Homecare team planned and developed software over a 4-year period to raise at least R53 million per month for patients. Our business plan is to re-invest a portion of the funds that we raised back into marketing projects so that we can ensure constant growth of the fund.


We hope to be conservative in our project plans. For example, we plan that it might take as two years to support 2 million app users. With more than  1 500 ambassadors (estate agents and financial advisors nationally), restaurants, fast-food businesses and with the accommodation industry as business partners to help distribute the app, together with radio campaigns and social media marketing which the Homecare team will manage, we should reach the 2 million app user target within the 2-year period. We will also entice the friends and family members of patients to help distribute the app amongst their contacts.


All the ambassadors, businesses in partnership and our media campaigns will explain to people that they can buy a steak at top restaurants for as low as R20. They will never, ever be able to book tables and get such great restaurant deals without the Enjoy Life phone app. The app will also offer exceptional fast-food deals.


Our business plan to support 2 million South Africans means that we will support less than 4% of our population. This may look like an ambitious target, but if you consider that almost 1 million South Africans are willing to drive to Bloemfontein for a prayer meeting over a week-end in April 2017, our business plan to find 2 million South Africans across all racial classifications must be achievable.


Remember that the Enjoy Life app is a Free app that the public can download. It is available to all LSM income categories. We invite anybody that can buy a cooldrink at a fuel station or food at fast-food companies to download the free app. The Foundation will support patients across all racial classifications, hence our marketing is aimed at all the people in South Africa. Companies who will benefit financially out of the Enjoy Life app will also be actively involved in the marketing of the Enjoy Life app. (We explain our distribution action plan later on page.)

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