Child Protection Organizations
This page explains to board members in short how phone technology will be used to provide groceries & other essentials towards staff.
We understand the pressure of being a board member. Most board members take the responsibility to help the NGO they are involved at personally.
In our view, to take up a board member’s responsibility for Non-Governmental child protection organizations is one of the most important tasks that a person can fulfill.
Financial constraints have always been the most challenging factor that NGO’s had to deal with for many years. Salaries make up a large portion of the Organization’s budget. A large component of the salary is usually spent on basic living costs such as groceries, clothes and medicine. Our objective is to help provide staff with these basic necessities. We know about the challenges to keep staff employed when Government is paying huge salaries. The only way to combat these challenges is to help staff so that they can have a similar lifestyle than the Government’s Employee.
An employee often feels the financial strains when they do not have enough salary to pay for items such as school fees etc. The rising costs on groceries makes it even more difficult to cope.
Our task is to systematically help Non-Governmental staff so that they would prefer to be employed by Non-Governmental organizations. It is at the end of the day not important to receive a huge salary… it is more important to have LSM (Leisure Spending Money) funds. Any employee values their job, based on the ability to do things after the bare necessities have been paid.
We explain in a “One page document” under the Head Office page how it is possible to use technology that will help secure funds out of the private sector. We explain how we intend to raise R57 million per month from 950 000 phone users, including low LSM income people.
We ask board members to please read this One-page document. It will give readers a better perspective of what we can do, and how this will impact the NGO branch you are involved at.
We have been working on this project to assist child protection branches since October 2017, and this page published for board members is only done on 31 May 2018. There is a lot of information we needed to gather before we were able to develop a business plan that will be able to secure enough financial support to help staff with grocery spending.
If we have to summarize the entire project into six paragraphs, we think it will be best to say the following:
After we completed our research, and we looked at how technology could be used the following statement is in our opinion important…
A large number of Non-Governmental Child protection branches struggle to secure enough financial support out of the private sector. They rely hugely on the Government for financial assistance. Most branches cannot offer their social workers salaries that is competitive with what Government is paying their social workers.
Child protection branches lack the ability to share the message that they need help from the general public. It is also at the moment impossible to involve the general public on a fairly basis, meaning that the financial burden should be shared amongst a large number of people, based on their financial abilities (LSM Income brackets) to help fund shortfalls.
Child protection branches lack the ability to change the organisations into business models aimed for the future. Technology has a significant impact on the way businesses is managed. Although board members manage a Non-profit company, it is still a company and technology can also benefit such companies.
The next generation will depend more on technology. We also realized that Non-Profit organizations lack in finances, making it impossible to develop software specifically for these organizations. It is by mere chance that the Homecare Foundation develops phone technology for other purposes and we can change these software structures to support child protection branches and their affiliates. It will most likely be impossible to develop phone technology for child protection branches on their own.
It is impossible to find a quick solution… It is however important to search for solutions that will have a long-term benefit for child protection branches. This entire website is published with content explaining how we can work towards a goal, where financial burdens, especially the burden to pay salaries can be resolved.
We also publish a section for the Branch Director. This section could take up to 4 hours to read if the Branch director decide to read all the web-pages. It is also possible to follow links that will reduce the reading time to + 20 minutes. (The important content can be picked up on selected pages.) We even explain our research amongst the public and business owners. It is important for IT development teams to understand the problems from all perspectives. We need to know how the public view child protection and we need to know the challenges management teams within child protection organizations face.
The “Branch Director” section includes a large number of technical information. We explain that technology is the only method that can help management teams across all racial classifications. We do not want any personal relationships between our board members and role players within the Non-Governmental organizations to influence the allocation of funds towards groceries of staff.
Often, board members view it as their personal responsibility to pay the salaries of social workers. To support a child in need can unfortunately not be our Government responsibility alone. There are many directors within Non-Governmental child protection organizations who told us that they will do their best to remain active in their communities. There is so much knowledge and experience within the Non-Governmental organizations that it will have a devastating impact on child protection services should these organizations close their doors.
The Homecare project also immediately support board members and directors within the Non-Governmental structures.
Remember, our objective is to fund caretakers of bedridden patients. This include people with full frail care needs. There will be numerous families who will in future apply for financial support to help fund their parents within old age homes who have to receive frail care support.
There are groups within the child protection structures who has old age homes. We know that if we can help these old age homes with financial support, that these organizations will in future be able to keep provide services at reasonable rates.
There are also organizations with crèches who provide services in their communities.
Our first “Immediate support”
We support Non-Governmental organizations to help their personnel, the director and board members buy additional groceries & other essentials without a salary increase.
Personnel (including wage earners) receive the opportunity to get their entire grocery bill paid by the Homecare team. It all depends on the person him/herself. There is two options:
1) = to immediately apply for the 4% discount on groceries and other essentials.
2) = to apply for full grocery support and wait up to 4 months to start receiving financial support out of our software platforms.
Wage earners
A wage earner (selecting option 1), can buy via phone infrastructure approximately R180 per month additional groceries (depending on how much funds is earmarked for groceries). It may seem to be a small amount, but if you consider that these people only receive small wages, then R180 is a large amount for them. This will be handy with wage negotiations. There will be a large number of staff members that will appreciate the fact that board members do their best to provide solutions.
Personnel selecting option 2 will in future receive financial support to cover their entire grocery bills. Board members selecting option 2 will in future receive financial support to fund 25% of their grocery bills. (Board members that are not full time employed at the Welfare organizations)
Our second “Immediate support”
We help organizations (old age homes and crèches) to buy groceries via our platform and receive up to .5% discount. This discount will be on top of what people can get when food companies offer products on special prizes. Again, 5% may not seem to be a large amount, but if you consider that every means possible must be implemented to pull the organization through until phone technology can secure financial support, then this action is important. Most Non-Profit organizations in general can only receive discount from one food group... This project will enable the organizations to receive such discounts from all the groups. This will help to reduce food costs. It is often better to buy for example milk from Pick n Pay when they offer it with a "special" than from Checkers. If you can only receive discounts from one group, the ability to reduce food costs is then limited.
We invite staff members on the “Employees” link. We ask board members to please read the “Head Office” page and if time is available, read the content posted for Staff.
Our Homecare team gave commitments to a small number of Child Welfare branches and to the ACVV team. We promised that we will develop the software needed to help their staff become free of financial strains.
We have to notify all the role players within child protection services about our support strategies. We are preparing for media campaigns where the public will be informed about how the Enjoy Life Phone app will in future fund people working in child protection services.
We invite all the groups. It is up to the board members to decide of the group they represent should use phone technology as a method to help fund staff in their branches.
We know that we can raise large amounts if we need to support a large number of employees across South Africa.
Thank you for your valuable time.
May God Bless.