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No more financial strains
God will not let financial strains keep a social worker from helping a child…
It is our calling to provide solutions…
Group head offices


The Homecare team already pledged to support Child Welfare and ACVV branches with advanced software. We believe that the Enjoy Life phone app software can help staff within child protection organizations provide services without personal financial constraints.

This page summarizes our focus points. The content published under "Branch Director" explain each focus point in detail.

The Homecare team predict that we will support between 500 and 2 000 staff members nationally. We might need to support up to 10 000 employees if personnel of the "Associated branches" register on our platform. An intimidating task, but possible when technology is utilized.


We will only succeed when the entire approach towards fundraising and donation income negotiations is changed. The old/existing ways of raising funds will soon become impossible to do. We set ourselves a target to rasie R71 million per month. We manage the software as a business and wil re-invest 20% back into different projects with restaurants, fast-food businesses and the tourism industry. The re-investment will ensure that the Enjoy Life phone app will become the most used phone app in South Africa. We will thereafter have R57 million that will be distributed amongst personnel listed on our platform. The December till February period will raise up to R122 million which will be available to fill-up shortfalls on budgets.

The Homecare Foundation negotiates with food supplying companies to help us in future. We want to implement a system where we can use the Enjoy Life app technology to monitor that caretakers of patients buy groceries and not items such as alcohol or cigarettes. To prevent people from buying unwanted items, we decided that it will be better if the Homecare Foundation can issue a caretaker vouchers to purchase groceries, instead of paying funds into the caretaker’s bank account. This will help to ensure that the funds we raise is utilized for the cause.

The Homecare board will negotiate with all the food supplying companies to assist caretakers. Our intention is to make it convenient for caretakers of bedridden patients to purchase groceries via voucher platforms. We already negotiated support from the "Digital divisions" of Pick n Pay, Woolworths, Shoprite (Checkers, Shoprite and USave) and Spar  We aim to help the caretaker purchase groceries within a short distance from home. We still need to talk to OK branches.

It will obviously be easy for our team to support 500 staff members. We will do this out of the Wage-payment software alone. It will become more challenging to support larger numbers. We therefore develop numerous platforms to enable support towards larger numbers. We discuss all our strategies with management teams. The surplus funds we generate will be shared with caretakers. We can also help child protection branches with additional costs should we be required to assist.  

The Homecare team using advanced phone app technology, together with other media technology will be able to raise the following funds: 

  1. Raise R45 million per month out of grocery spending from food supplying companies nationally.

Food companies offer on average 5% discount on volume based digital voucher orders.

5% may sound like a small percentage, but it is possible with large volumes to change it into a business model that will secure a large cash-flow to hep fund groceries of staff within child protection branches. You however need technology to accomplish this task.

We understand financial models and we know how to help food companies save huge amounts on expenses they cannot effectively control… It is extremely expensive to collect, transport (with armed security) and bank cash into the food company’s bank account.

We are fortunate that the Homecare Foundation can be funded out of numerous platforms. It is therefore possible to keep only 1% of the discount, and rather filter 4% down to low income people. 

Domestic workers are the lowest paid people in our country. It is possible to help domestic workers earn for example extra fees which they can use to buy additional groceries. (We might add an additional R180 per month towards groceries, depending om the person's circumstances). The software can help to better the lives of the poorest people and simultaneously help purchase groceries of employees.

This advanced software development will be the cornerstone that will forever provide groceries to staff members… There is no person on earth who do not buy the bare essentials from food supplying companies… For us to create the ability to help even the poorest buy more for the limited funds they have, and to simultaneously help staff within child protection services is in our view a blessing from God.

  2. Raise R21 million per month via beverage sales at restaurants, fast-food businesses and fuel stations via the Enjoy Life phone app.

    Foreigners who visit our country, plus South Africans that will include as low as LSM income 2 people (Wage earners) will buy themselves a cold-drink or any other beverages and it is possible to collect the gross profit in their first drink.

  3. Receive R1.5 million per month from our own full-time employed fundraising team.

    The Homecare fundraisers will be backed with advanced software to ensure that they only target business owners who we could determine had a great month businesswise. The Enjoy Life app will support the entire tourism industry and restaurant plus fast-food industry. We will also support + 6 000 other businesses in South Africa who provides services where these businesses could be categorized as companies that wants to make a person Enjoy Life. This includes boutique clothing stores, day spa’s, beauty salons, book companies, the list is actually almost endless.

    We also develop additional software platforms that will help us to interact with numerous companies who employ a large number of labourers (wage earners). These are companies in the following industries:
    - Agriprocessing
    - Automotive
    - Chemicals
    - ICT and electronics
    - Metals
    - Textiles, clothing and footwear
    - Agricultural (Farmers)

    The fundraising team will be a well paid team. The team will be employed by the Homecare Foundation and by the IT companies in our group. The fundraisers will focus on donation income from business owners if the income from beverage sales and grocery spending is below target. They will plan and monitor all our strategies to ensure that the financial support that we need to ask from the public during December will be as low as possible. We however believe that it might not be necessary to ask the public, but we prepare systems to do so if needed.

  4. Raise R200 000 per month (R2.4 million per year) via our Enjoy Life event managing teams.

    Our team will host cycling & running events to help promote the Enjoy Life phone app amongst residents in cities who are doing sport over weekends. The funds we raise during the year will be used to help fund groceries.

  5. Raise R600 000 per month (R7.2 million per year) via our 1500 property ambassadors.

    The Homecare team is busy with a process where the top estate agents across the country are invited to become “Ambassadors”. These people receive the most expensive phone app technology that helps them to increase their market share. The estate agents in exchange, are each required to host 3 small fundraising events per year. We will raise the R600 000 per month out of more than 4 500 smaller fundraising events per year.

  6. Raise R3 million per year out of the national Fundraising events.

    The Enjoy Life app will be involved in arranging larger events that can be compared to Afrikaans is Groot, Krone concert etc. We will host at least 6 larger events per year in partnership with the music industry.

  7. Use December pledge campaigns to raise R110 million for the Christmas till February period.

    The Enjoy Life phone app technology can ask residents for pledges and collect these pledges to help save up funds needed to support staff with their groceries. The R110 million rand will be an additional amount above the normal R71 million that we forecast to raise per month. It is also important to note that almost 75% of the normal R71 million target is based on income out of grocery spending by Low Income people and other Enjoy Life phone app users.

    During December, people receive bonusses and a large percentage of their spending is then utilized to buy additional groceries etc for themselves. The beverage sales will also be higher and the donations that we can receive from foreigners will also be above average. There are more tourists in our country during the December till February period. The R110 million is only aimed at local residents. It is an additional project with unique focus points to help secure enough funds for us to purchase groceries for staff within Child Protection Services.

    The Enjoy Life phone app will engage with at least 950 00 phone users and we can ask these people to pledge for example R3 per person for 3 months. The pledges will also vary depending on the LSM profile of the phone user. High LSM Income people could be asked to pledge R250 per month for the December till February period. We also develop the pledge software to integrate with media strategies in partnership with restaurants and fast-food businesses.

    The Pledge campaign can bring in R110 million that can be utilized to help fill-up financial shortfalls. The pledge campaign is unfortunately linked to phone exposure of social workers. We explain in detail why photos of social workers, the CEO of the branch is advertised on resident’s phones.

    Our task is to raise small amounts from a large number of normal citizens. We cannot put the financial pressure on business owners alone. We will manage a community project where even churches, schools and normal citizens are involved to help fund staff within child protection services. Most of the people will be able to help without donating any of their personal income. It is a unique business plan that can only be achieved with the support of advanced phone app technology.

Additional financial support if required

The Homecare team is already working on systems to secure more funding if required. One strategy is to develop a platform where we can help SASSA grant receivers to also purchase additional groceries. The challenge is that none of the banks are willing to provide internet banking services to the poor. We develop an SMS platform that will enable grant receivers to purchase grocery vouchers at ATM machines. If we succeed, it will be possible to raise large amounts to further fund personnel of child protection services and caretakers of bedridden patients. There are more than 17 million grant receivers. We will already be in a position to support a large portion of the SASSA grant receivers. Parents who receive Child Support Grants (12,196,981 beneficiaries) will be reached via our Wage Payment Software platform. These parents will use these Grants to purchase groceries via their Employers to support their children. The amount that we can raise is mind boggling if we can help the rest of the SASSA grant receivers who are not employed. (The poorest of the poor.) We talk about this in the "Branch Director Pages". We however only focus on action plans where we know we will succeed. We will rather built a support plan on less than 2% of our population. We will first try to support SASSA grant receivers before approaching Global funds abroad.

Feedback from people within child protection services

Jacqui Dunn (Office manager Child Welfare Kraaifontein) described the term “donor’s fatigue” where the same people are targeted and these people eventually do not want to see any fundraiser

According to Shanie Boshoff (CEO of ACVV), Child protection organizations also struggle with fundraising because of the nature of business they conduct. The public do not really want to be confronted with negative information such as the number of child molestation etc. that occurs in their communities. These two challenges are addressed….




Questions and concerns received from management teams 

The biggest concern that we picked up from teams is the fact that we need to purchase digital vouchers via one platform. It is therefore important for us to explain/address this issue in detail.

The Homecare team negotiates with the different "digital teams' across all the food supplying companies. We do not approach the CEO of each group. We do not want any of the groups to receive financial gains from our caretakers we need to support.

We already started the process to ensure that there will be no troubles when a large number of caretakers use the digital vouchers. We target groups on a weekly basis just to ensure that the food supplying companies support the project effectively.

The Homecare board receive funds earmarked for groceries from people who cannot afford to lose any money. We therefore have a HUGE responsibility to ensure that the amounts ordered are converted into digital vouchers that the people can use to purchase groceries.

We develop advanced communication software and the software communicate with the individuals who ordered vouchers. It is also important to understand that the funds are not kept in the Homecare account. We immediately transfer the funds to the food supplying company, as soon as the order is finalized and we received the invoice from the food company.

There is just no way that any of the food supplying companies will not issue vouchers that we ordered. They will also ensure that the vouchers can be redeemed at their stores. There is no food company that will want negative media publicity about such an important project where groceries are purchased to support bedridden patients.

We also commit to staff members that we will immediately transfer their funds back into their accounts should there be a delay on orders due to time delays from the food supplying companies. The funds are in our Trust account until we have paid it over to the food company.

Thank you so much for your valuable time.

May God Bless

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