Enjoy Life competition
The Homecare board invites 12 golf players to participate in our Enjoy Life campaign. We are now in our final phase before we launch the Enjoy Life app.
12 Golfers play in a Stroke play competition, played on Paarl Golf course on Thursday the 27th of April 2017. We booked for 12 players and the first 4 ball tea of at 11H00.
Our strategy is to encourage South Africans to ENJOY LIFE! The Foundation implement unique strategies to raise funds for bedridden patients when healthy people Enjoy Life!
The Foundation developed the latest advanced cell phone technology where we use Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) or known as “Push notification technology” to “push” media to a person’s phone. We developed a phone application that will be used to support up to 10 000 companies in South Africa.
The Enjoy Life phone app will take in the number two or number three most used position on a person’s cell phone. Whatsapp will most likely remain the number one used app. It took years of planning and development to build a phone app, which will help our business partners reach people they want to target with real time news.
You will understand why business owners of companies join the Foundation at a reasonable rate after you read the section explaining how effective our support will benefit their media section. To explain: Companies literally pay thousands towards Google to buy “key words”. They pay large amounts so their website can be listed on the top page when people search for information.
The Enjoy Life app will inform the public about exceptional restaurant deals offered to people that downloaded the Enjoy Life app (Steak that can be purchased at 20% of menu price at top restaurants etc.).
There are numerous other functions that the app will do to help people Enjoy life. We will update all our partners with detail before we officially launch the app in December 2017.
One unique feature is that we enable people to plan and manage their bucket lists. App users will be able to take photos of their invoices at restaurants and other partners. They receive points for every R1 spent at partners.
The Homecare Board predict that it is possible to raise up to R54 million per month via the Enjoy Life app phone technology. We explain our strategies to raise funds on the “fundraising page”. The Homecare Foundation allocate 5% of our income towards helping people fulfill items on their bucket lists. The 5% of turnover will be paid into a “Bucket List Fund” that will be utilized for funding people’s bucket list items. We know that to successfully help patients, we need to encourage people to Enjoy every moment of Life. We cannot use all the funds we raise, to pay for shortfalls that patients experience.
We need to create awareness of the fact that people often lose their abilities to Enjoy Life. Healthy people will then get behind the Foundation to support patients.
We need the healthy people to support our business partners. This will enable the Foundation to raise funds from companies.
We want to encourage people not only to list items that one would associate with a bucket list. (Expensive things that one would do before they pass away) Bucket list items could be small things that you want to do for your kids for example.
You may for example list that you want to take your daughter to the Lipizzaner show at Kyalami. It is a show that she will enjoy as she loves horses. When you have taken her to the show, you can tick the item on your bucket list. You will be able to upload photos of her at the show onto your phone app and you will be able to share your bucket list on social media.
Life is often more fulfilling when you do good to others! We create a platform where memories can be saved and shared.
The Enjoy Life software will randomly select 5 Enjoy Life app users per month when we launch the app. We will within a year support 50 persons. We will eventually support up to 500 people per month with bucket list items.
App users will receive 1 000 points when they fulfil items themselves on their bucket lists. They will therefore increase their chances to be selected for support on remaining bucket list items. (Bucket list should never be completed. There will always be something a person would like to do.)
The Homecare Foundation provide free media support to companies that focus on services that will help a person to Enjoy Life. (Companies such as shark diving, scuba diving schools, rock climbing, sky diving etc.)
We also support these companies with phone marketing and social media marketing. We ask these companies to help our bucket list winners at reduced rates.
Let’s for example say that you want to do cage diving with the Great White shark. This expedition may cost up to R50 000 (Including flight tickets and accommodation costs).
The Homecare Foundation also works with accommodation companies. We might be able to negotiate costs down to R30 000. We will for example allocate R20 000 out of the “Bucket List Fund” to help the app user to tick this item. Our team will phone the app user and ask if he/she could save for example R10 000 over a 5-month period to pay the R10 000 shortfall. You will note that our intention is not to pay all the costs. We want to show people that with team work, things that seemed to be impossible is achievable. They still need to do their own part to fulfill a dream.
They need to grasp that it is the same that we do for caretakers of patients. We work as a team to help them, but we will never be able to bear all their costs.
When the app user eventually tick the item on their bucket list, we ask them to share their experience in social media. The Foundation relies on positive media campaigns to help patients. We need other people to see that we value life.
12 Golf players
We invite 12 persons to participate in our campaign. The 12 golf players will each be supported with one item on their bucket lists.
The Homecare team is now in a process to set-up companies before we launch the app in December 2017. We work with financial advisors, estate agents, motor sales execs, restaurants, fuel stations and numerous other companies.
The companies donate small amounts to help cover set-up costs. The shortfall of our operational budget is covered by a team of “Angel Donators”.
The Homecare Board decided to implement additional fundraising drives that is out of the norm on our business model. Our strategy is not to ask companies for donations. We work and provide support to companies to earn income for patients. We will, for example, forward motor leads to sales executives and receive donations on successful vehicle transactions. We provide media services to certain companies for small donations.
We implement different fundraising drives to help fund the role out costs while we implement software amongst different companies that prepare for the launch of the Enjoy Life app. The golf day where 12 players play in an Enjoy Life competition is only one action. We also invite cyclists to participate in a fundraising drive. The golf competition will be a Stroke play competition, played on Paarl Golf course on Thursday the 27th of April 2017. We booked for 12 players and the first 4 ball tea of at 11H00.

Players that are club members will play on their official handicaps. If you are not a club member, you can play on a 24 handicap.
We ask each golf player to donate R2 000 to enter into the competition. Each player will win a contribution out of the “Bucket List Fund” which will be much more than their entry fees.
We launch the Bucket list project where we will help 5 phone app users during the first month. The Foundation will systematically increase the number or winners. The golf players and the cyclists will automatically be included. We believe that it will be possible for the Foundation to earn R4.5 million per month on our 12th month operational, when we support the winner of the golf competition. The Foundation will then earn out of all 5 business sectors income.
The different sectors are:
Media support on the phone app for companies that share one porthole to communicate with people who entered their catchment areas. Service offered to a large number of companies.
Commission income out of insurance products sold via our support structure.
Commission from property companies.
Commission from motor companies.
The Foundation will also receive donations from the public directly via our fast food and restaurant networks. The foundation will receive the profit on the first drink a client order via the Enjoy Life phone app.
The Homecare team will negotiate discounts from strategic business partners to help our golf players with bucket list items. We will first support the player who came in last during December 2017, and work the list up until we support the winner 12 months later. It is important for the Homecare Foundation to support Bucket List winners with larger bucket items. Golfers can donate their winnings to their family members if they do not want to tick items on their own bucket lists.
We will allocate 1% of our 5% “Bucket List Fund” towards supporting the golfer with his/her bucket list item. If we decide to select more phone app users for bucket list competition, then all those winners will be supported out of the remaining 3.5% of the Bucket List Fund (0.5% is distributed amongst cyclists who participate in our Mountain Bike challenge to help launch the Enjoy Life App). The Fund will grow on a monthly basis and we expect to launch the project with R700 000 turnover in December 2017. The Foundation will therefore allocate R35 000 towards the “Bucket List Fund” during our first month that we support the project.
1% (or a fifth of the fund) go towards the golfer for his/her bucket list item. We predict to support the person coming in last in our golf day competition with R7 000 (R35 000 / 5 = R7 000).
The winner might for example receive R45 000 out of the bucket list fund. We also use a portion of our operational budget to help golf players with bucket list items. The total winning for the winner might reach R60 000!
The following operational budget contributions will be played for:
1st prize = R15 000
2nd prize = R10 000
3rd prize = R9 000
4th prize = R8 000
5th prize = R7 500
6th prize = R7 000
7th prize = R6 500
8th prize = R6 000
9th prize = R5 500
10th prize = R5 000
11th prize = R4 500
12th prize = R4 000
The winner will have 20 months to save additional funds so that we can fulfill exceptional bucket list items. (Winner will be determined in April and will have until December 2018 to save additional funds for his/her bucket list item). This will help us to do exceptional social media posting when we support the winner with his/her bucket list item 12 months after we launched the phone app. The golfer that came in 12th might receive R11 000 in total, and will also have 8 months to start saving for his/her bucket list item.
We ask the golfers to please support us in media campaigns. Media will help the bedridden patients we work for.
Players can book for the competition by e-mailing pieter@homecare.org.za
We will forward the Foundation’s banking details to arrange competition entries.
Thank you for your support to help the Foundation establish a business network that will fund caretakers of bedridden patients for years to come!