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Construction industry

Tourism (foreigner campaigns)
Communication after guest returned to their home countries.


South Africa will most likely be the only country that will go the extra mile to ensure that guests return for more visits.


We will grow our economy if we can only entice 10% of our guests to return for a second visit. The Homecare team will provide a unique service to our Government aimed at growing our economy.

Accommodation partners will be able to convince guests while they are in our country to provide us their date of birth. The Ambassador of their country video clip will also explain that if they list the date, that we can search for specials offered by adventure companies in our country that cater for different age categories. We will furthermore explain that restaurants will offer special deals if they visit our country during the month of their birthdays.


This will enable the Homecare team to push Birthday wishes to the person’s phone, even if they are back in their own countries. It will be an ongoing service long after the guest left our country.


Software development to lure guests back

We can also use the Enjoy Life app to implement action plans to lure the guests for second visits. Our country host different holiday options based on our geographical landscape.


We list a few blocks just to explain our support better:


Western Cape blocks:

  1. Cape Town Southern suburbs and surrounding coast lines

  2. Helderberg district

  3. Cape Winelands district

  4. West Coast area (Langebaan, Paternoster, Velddrift block)

  5. Groot Windhoek Wildernis Area

  6. Tulbach, Ceres area

  7. Gamkapoort Nature Reserve, Klein Swartberg Mountain Catchment, Lainssburg (Klein Karoo area)

  8. Hermanus, Caledon, Robertson, Swellendam, Heidelberg, Witsand block


Southern Cape blocks

  1. Albertinia, Mossel Bay, George, Oudtshoorn, Calitzdorp block

  2. Sedgefield, Knysna, Pletttenberg Bay, Stormsrivier, Uniondale block


The country has different blocks where tourist attractions can be monitored and managed to create the best software platform for the tourism industry.


The software we develop will be able to track the movement of the tourist. We can then save the data on a server. The data can in future better be used for invitations back to our country.


We will for example be able to allocate a number of days required to visit all the attractions in a designated area.


Out of experience, we know that in most cases, the tourists only visit a percentage of the businesses in a block. With well-planned software, we will be able to provide the tourists suggestions we believe that will make the tourist’s experience memorable.


The foreigner might have visited the garden route area in Southern Cape region. The app will track the movement of the phone/tourist during the period the person is in South Africa. We can monitor the time in specific areas, as well as the time the phone was off. (Guest might switch phone of during night).


To calculate exposure per Block:


The tourism sector needs to know if a tourist had exposure to all the companies/services available and had been able to view all the tourist attractions in the focus block.

There are two methods:

  1. Is to lock all the businesses that the phone was picked up via the Enjoy Life app. We can save the names of the companies on the tourist’s Enjoy Life app profile. We can therefore know which companies were not visited during the period the tourist was in the area.

  2. The second method is to save data that we calculate per block. In the example where we talk about 2 blocks in Southern Cape region, the software will be able to calculate the required time needed to visit all the tourist attractions per block.

Block 1 might have 28 possible companies and Block 2 only 7. Each company will when they upload pictures of their businesses, also capture data such as what is the average time a visitor spent on their premises. (Certain businesses take up more time than others) We can therefore determine how much time will be required to visit all the destinations. The software will know when the tourist arrived, and when they left. We can calculate the available time the person might have had to visit these attractions, taking into account that businesses can only be supported during day time etcetera.

The Homecare IT team also need other unique data that we will save for calculation purposes. We mentioned the LSM Profile builder as one of the different software platforms we develop. Without going into too much detail, we just want to explain some of these functions in short.


The Enjoy Life app and geographical tracking will help us to gather a lot of “other” information about the tourist while he/she spends his/her holiday. We can for example calculate an LSM profile based on the companies he/she visits during the holiday. If we notice that the person only visits expensive restaurants and guesthouses, then we will increase the LSM scoring. This will help us with future strategies.


We also have the ability to calculate how many guests is travelling with the phone user. We will be able to calculate how many dependents travel with the main guest. This will also give us a better idea on how much funds we think the tourist will spent in South Africa.


The first thing that we want to do, is to rank people based on their profiles and the time they have spent in our country. People that spent longer periods are more important. It is better for our economy as their financial contribution are larger.


The software will for example allow such a person 3 years before we start with specific campaigns to lure the guest for a second visit. (We first need to see if the person does not book a second trip on his/her own.) The birthday and holiday season communications will remind the guest about South Africa.


We will then six months before his/her birthday start with unique invitation strategies. It might be that Minister Derek Hannekom invite the guest for a holiday on his/her birthday.


The first plan would be to calculate if we must invite the person back to a specific area, if we calculated that the person did not had enough time to visit all the tourist attractions. Software can then mail the person some of the attractions he/she missed. The tourist will be able to notify us if he/she would like to visit these places.


Our plan, (if we want to invite the person back) is to launch “special projects”. The software will for example negotiate with accommodation companies in George, Western Cape to join the unique campaign. We will select companies based on the reports we build up about their guests’ willingness to donate funds that we shared amongst staff. (More detail to follow)


We will ask guesthouse owners to offer a special rate, and the Homecare fund will also contribute a percentage of the guest’s accommodation costs. (We will furthermore ask Government for a contribution to help lure specific guests back to our country)


Minister Derek Hannekom will then send an invitation to the guest we target, explaining to the guest that we value the person and we negotiated a special deal to enable the person to spend his/her birthday in our Western Cape province…. (Everything will be manged by software…. A service none of the opposition countries offer!)

© 2015 Home Care

Impairment Homecare NPC 2015/393733/08

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