3) Marketing the app
The Enjoy life app will be marketed extensively. Our objective is to support more than 2 million South Africans within a 2-year period. This will be possible as we implement different strategies to ensure that the Enjoy life app will be downloaded by millions within a short period.
Our business plan to support 2 million South Africans means that we will support less than 4% of our population. This may look like an ambitious target, but if you consider that almost 1 million South Africans are willing to drive to Bloemfontein for a prayer meeting over a week-end in April, our business plan to find 2 million South Africans across all racial classifications must be achievable.
Remember that the Enjoy Life app is a Free app that the public can download. It is available to all LSM income categories. We invite anybody that can buy a cooldrink at a fuel station or food at fast-food companies to download the free app. The Foundation will support patients across all racial classifications, hence our marketing is aimed at all the people in South Africa. Companies who will benefit financially out of the Enjoy Life app will also be actively involved in the marketing of the Enjoy Life app.
Our marketing strategy to ensure that millions install the free app will be discussed as follow:
a). Marketing done by the Homecare marketing team (Social media, radio and television)
b). Marketing via the Fast-Food industry
c). Businesses that save on media costs to help market the Enjoy Life app
d). The Hospitality and tourism industry to distribute the Enjoy Life app
e). Family and friends of patients (Thousands per month) to distribute the Enjoy Life app with “word of mouth” marketing
f). Encourage and reward the public to use their Facebook networks so that we can introduce the Enjoy Life app to millions (South Africa has 12 million Facebook users).
f). Ambassadors to market up on a continuous basis.
a) Homecare Marketing team
The Homecare team will use social media to introduce the app. We will also use printed media in partnership with other companies to inform the public about the Enjoy Life app (Explained later on this page). Furthermore, we will advertise on radio to inform the public about the Foundation, the Enjoy Life app how restaurants and fast-food businesses offer special deals to assist the patients.
We will monitor the rate that people download the app for 3 months after we implemented all the different distribution channels explained on this page. We might decide to do television advertisements if are concerned that we are behind our 2 million target. We will ask all the companies involved to donate a once off fee of R1 000 if we decide on a television media campaign. Certain role players, for example Spar who we target for the Food supplying industry, might be requested to make larger contributions. We have the responsibility towards patients to ensure that the Enjoy Life app is functional. We will therefore go the extra mile if needed.
We are in a fortunate position that thousands of companies will benefit via the Enjoy Life app and we can therefore commit to restaurateurs that the Enjoy Life app will have the best possible distribution plan that will be managed to ensure success. People will know that the app is a tool that raises funds.People will know that the app is a tool that raises funds.
b) Fast-Food businesses
The Homecare Foundation will also go into exclusive partnerships with 206 fast-food businesses, similar to as the partnership we negotiate with 103 restaurants nationally.
The Foundation will however donate 8% of our turn-over towards the fast-food businesses to help construct exceptional fast-food specials available to Enjoy Life app users. We project to donate R5.4 million per month to the 206 fast-food businesses. The restaurants receive proportional a larger amount to subsidize specials offered to Enjoy Life app users.
Fast-food businesses do not have seating limitations and their cost to provide products are much lower than restaurants. The Foundation however need these partnerships to benefit everybody. It will definitely benefit the restaurants in partnership.
We ask fast-food business owners to market to their clients with flyers etc. that they offer exceptional specials to their clients and these specials can only be received if their clients have installed the “Free Enjoy Life app”.
We also know that similar to the restaurants, that we can only go into exclusive partnerships with a small number of fast-food businesses. We will however support the entire fast-food industry with the phone app. The other fast-food businesses will also save huge on marketing costs and they will also reach tourists and guests to their areas.
We foresee that a large number of younger people (School kids and students) will use the phone app. Our business plan to support fast food businesses with loyalty programmes will help us to gain huge support under the younger generations.
We have spoken to business owners in the fast-food industry. They are also more willing to offer items on a loyalty programme to people helping them in their businesses. They are excited about the opportunity to reward clients that provide feedback. They believe that when their staff member knows that the person has access to the owner/management team via their cell phones, and that poor service can be reported, that service in general will be better.
c) Companies in your area to help market the app
Media is highly expensive for companies. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) or better known as “Push notification technology” that we use in the Enjoy Life app to support companies, enables us to offer better media support, at a lower cost structure. Media is important for companies and it will be foolish for companies to stop with marketing, especially when the economy is under distress.
The Homecare team negotiates with numerous companies to support the Foundation. We help them to reduce their marketing spend and we ask business owners to donate 20% of the amount we helped saved to support patients.
There are companies that spend more than R80 000 per month on printed media advertisements. They print inserts that is inserted into their local weekly newspapers. The Foundation will over time help these companies to reduce at least 50% on printed media spending. (They might eventually stop these costs in total) The Enjoy life app will “push” advertisements on residents’ phones and the advertisements will also reach people who entered the business’s catchment area. Tourists or people from other cities do not always pick up local newspapers. They therefore are not aware about promotions from local businesses. It will also be possible to reach people with more "up to date" information on specials. Printed media is slow in this regard. It will take the project a few months, but eventually the business owner will be able to at least half his/her printed media costs. We will within months drop their other media costs such as SMS costs as well.
It is therefore important to know that companies will do a lot to save on marketing costs. The high food prizes do not only influence the caretakers and patients. It even has a negative impact on companies selling food etc. People tend to buy less food and they will leave items they might have bought when the food prizes were lower.
Our business plan is to help companies such as Spar to save on printed media over a period. The Enjoy Life phone app will systematically replace print media with effective media.
We need to highlight the fact that the Enjoy Life app can help the Spar owner with media that print will never be able to do. Food supplying companies often has products that they need to sell within a short period to avoid spoilage. The Spar owner for example will be able to list the special price on baked products earlier the morning at 16H00 on the Enjoy Life app and we will “push: the specials to people in the catchment area. This will help to draw additional clients and reduce the losses on food items not sold during the day.
The Enjoy Life app will become an important tool for the Spar owners. They also need millions on the phone app to help them in their businesses. Our plan is to ask Spar owners for example to print a small add on their printed media section about the Enjoy Life app.
They will inform the public that the Enjoy Life app is a free app, on which they often post specials that is not available on printed media. They will also inform readers that the Enjoy life app also offer restaurant and fast-food specials to help people “Enjoy Life”
We expect to reach millions of South Africans via printed media that other companies are currently paying for. The fact that people read inserts of food specials inserted into locally distributed newspapers will ensure that millions receive the message about the Enjoy Life app. They will know that day-to day specials can only be published on the phone app and therefore millions will systematically download the Enjoy Life app.
d) Hospitality and tourism industries
The fact that we will support these companies without asking fees, will ensure that these industries help the foundation to distribute the app amongst their clients.
The software (Interface that the companies use) enables companies to link booking platforms to the phone app. Remember that the phone app will “push” media to phones, and the phone app will not “push” media when the company is fully booked or perhaps closed for a period. (Some companies operate seasonally). Some companies also can only operate if weather allows. The phone app therefore operates according to availability.
In general, companies providing “Holiday Entertainment” services do not really compete against each other. The bungee-jumping company does not compete against the fishing charter company. Two fishing charters may compete in the same area, but it will be to everybody’s advantage if more tourists are targeted via cell phone technology and if both companies can publish availability to help tourists.
The biggest gift that anybody can give to a business owner, is to help him/her reach people who they want to target with their products or services. If you can get access to such service without any costs, so much better!
Our objective is to work with the tourism information centres in each area. This will be a free service.
The Enjoy Life app will also interact with strategic business partners where we can, as a team, provide great services to tourists (and also locals)
Our business plan is to allow Uber a free link (button) on the Enjoy Life app. Uber provides services where the public can book private transport if needed.
Tourists may often need transportation if they do not rent cars themselves. We also want to help people who might need transportation when they had too much to drink at a restaurant. Our philosophy is to Enjoy Life, and be responsible.
We think it is a great idea to enable phone users to book transport if needed. (We might allow other service providers in this industry to use the app as well.)
My SOS is a company that provides emergency services.
mySOS offers their clients access to appropriate emergency assistance when:
(a) you don’t know who to call
(b) you don’t know where you are
(c) you want to notify your emergency contacts about your emergency and the exact location
(d) you want your emergency contacts and the emergency services to navigate directly to your location in an emergency
Our strategy is to enable tourists to get emergency support with the click of a button.
Both these negotiations will only be done in October 2017. We developed the Enjoy Life platform so that it would be easy (two days’ work) to allow these companies an interface into the Enjoy Life platform. Both these companies will be supported without costs and they will gain huge momentum, as we have the ability to introduce their services to tourists and a large South African population. We try to keep this information confidential. Readers of our business plan are asked to assist us.
We foresee that business owners in our network (especially the ones in the hospitality and tourism industry), will inform their guests about the Enjoy Life app. The app can inform their guests on what services and entertainment is available within their area, (take into account that availability of services) is managed by the app.
The owner of the first guest lodge where the foreigner arrives will tell the guest to download the Enjoy Life app (It is free). They will inform the guest that when he/she travels anywhere in South Africa, the app will update them on special offerings from restaurants, things to do etc.
Remember that the app hosts two functions:
App users can browse for businesses in the entertainment industry on their phone and plan holiday entertainment. Guests can therefore be in Cape town and they will be able to book holiday entertainment in Mpumalanga if they plan to visit the province.
The App will update the phone owner of activities that are in the catchment area of the phone.
Foreigners will download the app and they will use it for the period they visit South Africa. (They will obviously remove the app once they have left our country)
Remember that the Homecare Foundation negotiates with the tourism industry. It will be to the entire tourism industry’s advantage when guests from abroad see that South African companies work as a team and assist bedridden patients within our communities.
Marketing the Enjoy Life app on web-pages
We will ask all the companies receiving free media support to host an app download link on their websites. We will also ask these companies to print short information about the app on their flyers. Remember, the app enables these business owners to communicate with old clients and with people who have never dealt with them. They will gladly host such a link on their websites. People visiting their websites will read about their involvement to help the Homecare Foundation support bedridden patients.
Downloading the app by foreigners
Phone app settings for foreigners will by default be different from people residing in South Africa. Certain media messages will not reach foreigners as it will not be applicable to them. (Property, motor, financial services etc.)
Our restaurant partners (especially the “key business partners” who are now invited) will benefit hugely by partnering with the tourism industry.
Restaurateurs can use their support funds from the Foundation to post specials aimed at foreigners. The Foundation will also allocate an additional R1.3 million per month towards marketing campaigns aimed at foreigners. We can inform foreigners that they stand a chance to win for example a R50 000 voucher that they can use when they visit South Africa again.
We will also include other marketing strategies. We will offer smaller prizes that were negotiated with for example the Canopy touring company. We can do a weekly draw and give one tourist in the catchment area a ticket for the canopy tour. This message will then be broadcasted to all the tourists in South Africa. They can immediately win prizes within the areas they visit and they do not need to wait until they re-visit South Africa to benefit.
Our partnerships with companies in the tourism industry should enable us to hand out prizes to the value of + R4 million per month. We will use around R1.3 million in cash to help subsidize these prizes. We offer additional media coverage to partners in the tourism industry that assist us with Enjoy Life phone app campaigns aimed at tourists.
These actions will encourage the tourists to better support our preferred restaurant partners.
Cost savings by accommodation companies
We want to point out our action plan to support accommodation companies with the Enjoy Life app. We believe it is an important service to offer accommodation opportunities to tourists and then also to South Africans who go on holiday or who might need accommodation for business trips. It is a service that will increase the value of the Enjoy Life app.
These companies will eventually make larger profits when they use the Enjoy Life app. We will provide them clients for whom they do not need to pay Booking fee commissions. (There are booking agencies that charge accommodation companies up to 17% booking fees.)
We have an implementation plan that we negotiate with accommodation companies. This implementation plan will also help the Fast-food and other businesses. (Remember that we do a lot to ensure that people download the app for free). The TOTAL cost savings that the Accommodation companies will receive will be implemented over a two-year period.
The following example explains:
Accommodation company offers a room at R1 350 per night. This is the asking price that booking agencies advertise. There are numerous booking agencies and they all ask different rates, but the average is 15% per client.
When a client book via, the accommodation company will receive R1 350 minus R202.50 (15% booking commission) = R1 147.50
Our strategy is to use the Enjoy life app with a media campaign. When you book via the Enjoy Life app, you will receive 10% discount from all the companies listed on the Enjoy Life app. The asking price is R1 350. Client pay at accommodation company R1 215 and save R135 per night. The accommodation company will immediately also receive more money per booking (between 5% and 7%).
We will a year later offer 5% discount on all bookings and eventually not offer discounts at all. This will help accommodation companies during the tough period in our economy and they will eventually make larger profits.
We know that none of the existing booking agencies will be able to offer similar deals. Remember that accommodation companies needed to increase their asking rates to accommodate booking agencies. There is no booking agency that can function without booking fee commissions. They will also not be able to force the entire accommodation industry down in their asking prices so that they can advertise a 10% discount on all bookings made via their booking platform.
We view accommodation companies as business partners and we develop functions that only phone app technology can do, to help them do more effective business.
One such function is to use “Push Notification” technology to notify tourists (People that travel and manage their own bookings) when they have rooms available. Tourists that drives into a town will receive push messages from accommodation companies that are not fully booked. This will help accommodation companies to make contact with people in need of accommodation and the service also help the tourists. They will not phone companies that are fully booked.
Accommodation companies will on a continuously basis hep to distribute the Enjoy life app amongst all their clients. They know that it is important for tourists to Enjoy South Africa and they also are looking for ways to save on unnecessary costs.
e) Family and friends of patients are required to help market the Enjoy Life app to earn fees for the patient
One of our best strategies to ensure that South Africans download and support the Enjoy Life app lies in the way we developed the Enjoy Life app. Our media campaigns that the caretakers can apply for financial support will spread like a wild fire! We developed the app to help caretakers. The Enjoy Life app will also assist all the immediate family members who are influenced by the fact that a family member became in need of financial support due to the fact that he/she is in need of frail care support.
The Homecare marketing team will use social media platforms to inform families of frail care patients that the Foundation has developed the Enjoy Life app and that the app can help caretakers to earn income for the period that they need to look after a person in frail care. There are so many social media activities regarding frail care. Most people use social media to inform friends and family about the person who became in need of frail care support.
The process will be that when a family member (caretaker) apply for financial support, we will ask the caretaker to download the Enjoy Life app. Successful applicants will receive a unique code for their patients. We ask caretakers and their family members to mail the unique code representing the patient to their contacts. The Enjoy Life app enables us to raise funds per individual. A friend of the patient can for example save the unique code into his/her Enjoy Life app. Every time that the friend uses his/her Enjoy Life app at restaurants (plus other companies on the network) and list the beverage purchased, the software will allocate that beverage’s gross profit to the patient specifically.
An app user will be able to link up to 5 unique codes of different patients to his/her profile. The app user’s spending will then be shared amongst the different unique codes linked.
If the app user does personal donations, the funds will also be shared to the codes linked to his/her profile.
Our commitment to caretakers is simple… We cannot commit that we can earn enough from our business partners to cover all the financial shortfalls of all the caretakers who applied. We will share amongst caretakers the available funds, proportional to their financial shortfalls.
The Enjoy Life app however can help caretakers who assist us to earn more fees than the caretakers who do nothing. If the caretaker motivates friends and family to download the Enjoy Life app and these family and friends use the app at business partners, their gross profits on products will be used to support the patient alone.
The software managing the distribution of funds is truly complex, but it plays an important role to help us push the app into the market.
The following explains:
Each app user will by default has a setting that profit out of his/her app will be shared amongst all the caretakers on the platform. There will be a percentage of app users that will not know a patient in person and their settings will remain with “default to all”.
There will be app users that might know up to 5 patients they would like to help (Hence our software enables the user to link different codes to his/her profile). There might be app users with for example 4 codes linked to patients and the 5th code is the “default to all” link in his/her profile. In this scenario, a 5th of the app’s gross profit earnings will be shared amongst all the caretakers. The balance is shared amongst the 4 individual patients linked to the profile. We might have app users with only one code, meaning that the entire gross earnings will be paid to one patient.
The Enjoy Life app software is ingeniously developed to remind the phone users that they can donate simply by listing a drink they bought from partners. The app will also reward users for helping patients. Furthermore, the app will thank the user for his/her support and it will give feedback regarding how much funds were raised and what happened with funds that were raised. All these actions will help to secure constant funding for patients.
We also need to point out that contributions from the public and from beverage sales is only a portion of the Foundation’s fundraising strategies.
A large amount of funds will be earned from supporting companies and these funds will go to all the caretakers listed on the app.
It is however possible with the unique software structure to help caretakers who are involved in the distribution of the app to earn additional fees from friends and family and their contacts. The more app users with patient’s unique code linked to their profiles will result in more funds for the patient.
We might for example distribute R30 million amongst 12 000 caretakers as fees that the software share on the “default to all” code. The caretaker will receive a portion of this funds. The software will then add the “additional donations” from the app users that linked the patient’s code.
We believe that it is possible to help certain caretakers to support them financially with their entire “shortfall” when they motivate other people to link the unique code of their patients.
The software as we explained is extremely well planned. An Enjoy Life app user might for example only list one soft drink in a month. The total gross income earned for that app could be a slow as R3. If the phone user share gross profit with 4 codes and the “default to all” code, then a fifth of the R3 will be shared amongst thousands and the balance will be shared amongst 4 patients.

We develop the Enjoy Life app to cater for extreme scenarios. Our planning is to support approximately 6 000 bedridden patients. With our extremely well-planned media campaigns, we might need to support more than 25 000 patients. (We will do our best to only support people in real financial distress.) A percentage of caretakers will be supported over medium to long term periods. These caretakers are people looking after patients with for example motor neuron diseases, Alzheimer etc.
We will also support caretakers looking after Cancer patients. These patients unfortunately do not live long once they became in need of full frail care support. We might support these caretakers for up to 6 months.
We need to explain to restaurateurs one important thing about the development and distribution of the app. The Enjoy Life app help companies who are willing to support the patients to do more business. The Homecare management team does not benefit financially as a result of the Enjoy Life app. It is only the patients and their caretakers that benefit financially for a short period, or the most difficult period in the patient’s life.
Our board members are not proud about the fact that we developed a phone app that will be distributed by people who are under emotional distress. Our opinion however is that if we know we can help caretakers, and we then do nothing about the caretaker’s financial stress, that we are not fulfilling our lives’ purpose for what God needed us.
We know that technology can help caretakers to reduce their financial stress. They need to focus on a difficult task which is to be emotionally strong for the ones they take care of. Caretakers and their family members will be so appreciative about the fact that companies are willing to donate portions of their profits to help the patients.
The software is a tool that the Homecare Foundation in partnership with CSE Services developed. The people pushing the tool into the market is the people who need the funding.
The fact that a large percentage of caretakers will only receive financial support for a fairly short period, will result that the Foundation will continuously support new groups of families. It is a fact that on a monthly basis thousands of people became so ill that they need frail care support.
We might need to support 5 000 new applicants per month (It is difficult to predict). The software however enables us to give feedback to each caretaker we support. The caretaker will be able to view how many phone apps are linked to the patient’s unique code. Immediate family and friends of the patient can therefore track how many friends and other contacts they have invited have linked the patient’s code to their profiles.
At this point, we need to clarify to readers. We will never publish personal information about any caretaker or the patient in media. We only give detailed reporting of how many patients and in what disease category were helped. We also implement strict rules to ensure that we only help people in need of FULL frail care support. Applicants must agree that a social worker visit the home where the patient is being looked after. We do a lot to raise funds but we do more to ensure that funds are not waisted!
The Enjoy Life app (with its functions to help others Enjoy Life) and the fact that families can earn donations for their loved ones will result that THOUSANDS of South Africans will push the app into the market. People will even phone contacts and ask them to please link profiles with unique codes. You can almost view it as the most effective “Word of mouth” marketing strategy that we will implement to ensure that the app is used.
We are confident that with such a well-planned software platform that thousands of South Africans will motivate people to download and to use the Enjoy Life app. This will benefit our restaurant partners immensely.
f) Ask and reward Facebook users to help distribute the Enjoy Life app (Social media launch competition
Social media creates unique opportunities to launch a project like this. We use IT functions to help create distribution opportunities that is unique.
We developed the Enjoy Life app so that App users can link their Enjoy Life structures to their social media profiles such as Facebook (Phone users will find it easy to post their bucket-list photos on their social media pages).
We will use all the available social media platforms and to help us distribute the Enjoy Life app. (The social media approach we explain this section is not the same as where the Homecare team will post detail about the Enjoy Life app on Social media platforms where conversations about frail care are found).
We want Enjoy Life app users to inform all their Facebook friends that the Free App is available and that the App help people to Enjoy Life… These media will be more focused on informing the public that the app provides exceptional services and although the public will understand that bedridden patients benefit, the main focus is to inform them that the App help the public to Enjoy Life.
The App will ask its users to post links about the Enjoy Life App on their own Facebook walls. The Enjoy Life app software can determine how many Facebook friends a person has linked to his/her Facebook profile.
We will run a “Social media launch competition” where one person stand a chance to win support for his/her bucket-list item to the value of R500 000. We will explain on the app and via our marketing campaigns that the winner will be supported 2 years after winning the prize. We need the winner to plan enough leave in advance. Our launch strategy is to explain that this will be the largest single support ever that the Homecare Foundation will do to help a person fulfill one item he/she wishes to do. All our future support plans will vary from between R2 000 and R80 000 to help as much people as possible.
The competition is simple. We ask Facebook users to post a message directly from the Enjoy life app that we programed so that we can track how many Facebook users have viewed the message. You receive one entry per person that viewed your posting. You can only enter for this large contribution when you post the link. You stand a chance to win, even if you have a small Facebook friend network.
We expect thousands of such postings to occur. This will help us to introduce the app to millions within a short period. According to Business Tech, we have 12 million Facebook users in South Africa.
g) Ambassadors help to market the Enjoy Life app on a continuous basis
When we launch our media campaigns in December 2017, all our business partners, including the financial advisors, estate agents and motor sales executives can post in social media that people can download the app and Enjoy Life.
The Enjoy Life app will continuously be discussed by “Ambassadors” (estate agents & financial advisors) when they deal with their clients. It is to their advantage to have their photos posted on the phone apps.

Monthly fundraising drives
The Homecare Foundation provide specialized services to selected teams within the property industry. We target 120 property principals (business owners) to become our strategic representatives. We help these business owners to secure more property transactions for their branches as reward for being our ambassadors.
The Foundation will through the property network work with more than 1 000 ambassadors nationally. The agents working for the principals are also “Ambassadors”.
Our objective is to arrange fundraising events nationally. We developed an ingenious business plan where we allow these business owners (property principals) to support us with fundraising events.
The Homecare team (small personnel corps) will organize and co-ordinate events nationally. We use property principals to co-ordinate work in the different towns and cities. We will for example organize at least 120 different golf days nationally per year. If we for example organize a golf day in Klerksdorp North West, it will be a Re/Max Homecare Golf day. The principal Louise Snyders will represent the Foundation at the Golf day. She will have access to reports that she can use when she talks to the players who attended the day when they do the prize giving.
In general, it is expensive to arrange events. The most difficult part is to invite people etc. The Homecare foundation will use the phone app technology to help Louise invite the people needed for the day. A large number of players will be the business owners in Klerksdorp who use the Enjoy Life app to support their businesses. They will be asked to bring their clients to play on the day. The phone app will also invite other residents and we will invite golfers in neighbouring towns to play. In a unique way, the property principal gain a lot when she helps to host events. It is important for property principals to position themselves as people who do more for their community. When business owners and residents of Klerksdorp see that she has been chosen to represent the Foundation with important tasks, they will believe that she is a person with integrity etc. This will give her agency an advantage when it comes to negotiating mandates to market properties etc.
The Homecare Foundation also require the estate agents who work for the principals to host smaller fundraising events. The 1000 plus agents will for example held small events such as Table tennis amongst kids, or mini cricket between two schools, or mountain bike event between friends in a cycling club.
The whole idea is that these smaller events should not be viewed as events where the Foundation expect to raise Thousands. For us, the media exposure is more important.
As restaurateur, you should also understand that the estate agent does his/her best to market themselves. The agent can for example organize a chest competitions amongst 10 chest players. Each participant donates R100 to enter. The estate agent who are registered as an Official “Ambassador” of the Foundation will be able to request an official letter from the Homecare board to register the chest competition as an official Re/Max Homecare fundraising event. The chest players can donate their entry funds into the Homecare Foundation’s bank account with a reference code that the agent will provide to the participants. The agent can for example offer a R500 winning prize for the winner. (It is 50% of the funds raised). The arrangement will always be with small events that the winner receives the R500, but it must be used to fulfill one item on his/her bucket list.
At this point, we want to explain that a large focus will be to interact with children. Their bucket list items might be: “I want to buy myself a skateboard.” Children will not save for other bucket list items that grown-ups might do. For us, it does not really matter. We want to bring a message to children that they should value life… they should understand that there are people who became ill and that the nation must look after them. The child that won the competition will be able to claim the R500 to buy his/her skateboard. The child will most likely also have to save a bit to achieve this goal.
The biggest benefit for restaurateurs is that children influence their parent’s buying habits. They will guide their parents to partnering restaurants.
We commit to restaurateurs that at least 1 000 estate agents will be actively involved in smaller fundraising events on a yearly basis. We believe that financial advisors and motor sales executives will also join in to do similar actions. Remember that all these people must sell themselves to others in their communities. We foresee that financial advisors and motor sales executives will also jump for such opportunities. There are numerous sales people that cycle or do other sports themselves. For them to have backing when they want to arrange small events with club members or school kids will encourage them to implement small fundraising events. We might end up with more than 3 000 people actively doing numerous small events nationally per year.

There will also be larger event that the Foundation will arrange and co-ordinate in conjunction with the property principals. Here we need to explain our business plan to work with Computicket.
The Homecare Foundation develop the Enjoy Life app to work in partnership with Computicket. Our objective is not to sell or manage tickets. Computicket can also benefit from the phone app. Computicket earns commission on ticket sales they manage for concerts etc. They do a lot of marketing to support the entertainment industry.
The Enjoy Life app will push media to phone users and we will provide this important service free of charge to Computicket.
The only requirement is that when we negotiate with artists to support the Foundation with events, that we will then receive booking support free of charge. We might do 10 larger events a year Nationally and we might even work with upcoming artists in smaller events as well. The benefit for Computicket is that they will partner with thousands of other companies via the Homecare Foundation structure and they will receive free media exposure to help all the businesses that rely on them for marketing support. Please clink on the Computicket link to view more about the type of events they market and support.
As restaurateur, you should now agree that the Homecare Foundation plan and develop business plans to the finest detail… we can ensure restaurateurs that the Enjoy Life app will be one of the most used apps on South African’s phones.
4) Monitoring that business partners support your company
We only have one request when we support companies, and that is that each business owner should download the Enjoy Life app themselves.
Furthermore, we also ask these companies to support our “key business partners”, the companies who were instrumental in setting up the network.
We put in reasonable requests. We request that the business owner should at least support one fuel station on our network per month. We will also ask them to support one of our “key restaurant partners” at least once every two months.
Remember that we foresee to support approximately 6 000 businesses in South Africa. People often travel and therefore any of these 6 000 business owners could support your restaurant.
When we help business owners to download the phone app we have to provide special settings allowing the business owners to manage their own company’s marketing on the cell phone platform. The software therefore recognises which Enjoy Life app users are actually clients working in partnership with us. We can therefore monitor the support that we receive from business partners.
When these business owners travel, the phone app will guide them to our fuel station partners as well as informing them which restaurants must be supported.
Business owners of companies in your local area will obviously know which restaurants and fuel stations are requested to be supported.
We believe that it is a reasonable request to ask for support at least once every two months, and that the fuel station partner should be supported at least once a month.
We do not want to force people into changing the preferred companies they deal with, but a reasonable request can be requested.
How will we monitor support?
The software will provide our management team with a report of business owners who did not uploaded a till slip from our fuel station or restaurant partners. (The function where people take photos of till slips and enter to earn bucket list points.)
The software (phone app) will send friendly reminders to these business owners, asking them to support our network. It is a team effort to provide to bedridden patients and the Foundation does a lot of work to help them (business owners) in their businesses as well. We might withdraw our support when people are not willing to honour a reasonable request.
Remember that we will deal with people who will be able to support a restaurant. It is business owners within the tourism industry and other business owners such as fuel station owners, boutique clothing stores, financial advisors and numerous other companies. They might buy only one dinner in two months, but it will be from the restaurants we request.
5) It will be difficult for our opposition to catch up
It will be difficult for opposition of the Enjoy Life app to catch up on our support plan. We developed our software over a four-year period. Nobody was notified about our support strategy. When you read this web-page, it is because we are now ready to publish confidential information.
The Foundation already started inviting the best restaurants, fuel stations and companies that focus on providing services that makes a client feel valued. Companies are teaming up to help the patients… For them, it is not about our plan to support a specific restaurant we work with… it is about working towards providing a solution for our country’s frail care environment.
One should know that if any IT group decides to develop software that took us years to complete, it will be extremely difficult to motivate companies that are already part of the Enjoy Life campaign, to support them as well. Possible opposition are unfortunately behind us… and that is where we intend to keep them.
We have to be aggressive in our support plan to earn income for patients, hence, when you read the entire website, you will understand/agree that we will help our strategic partners to outsell their opposition.
Another important aspect to remember is that the Foundation earns income for patients over a variety of platforms. It includes commission on vehicle transactions, property transactions and from insurance products. The business plan makes it possible to work with restaurants and we only ask them to earn less gross profit on a small number of clients that we provided until June 2017.
The most important thing we need to mention, and why we actually believe it will be impossible for opposition to invite restaurateurs in future with a similar concept, is the fact that we developed the phone app to remain with a person.
The software can support people from a young age (at school level) and it will systematically adapt as people grow older. A person’s interest changes as you grow older, and the software adapts accordingly.
The Enjoy Life app user will constantly replace his phone handset with new ones. His/her personal settings on the Enjoy Life app will always remain available on servers. The user will always update his/her new handset and link it to his/her Enjoy Life profile. All their bucket list photos and points will be on their personal profile.
Fast food companies offering loyalty programmes on the app also contribute to the fact that the person will keep his/her profile active. (When a person knows that he will receive a free burger soon, he will download the update on his new phone to keep his loyalty programme intact. The fast-food business can run loyalty programmes and ask users to give them service ratings and on the 11th rating he will receive a free burger for example).
The fact that we will work closely with companies (Sky diving, cage diving, canopy tours etc.) providing services to help a person Enjoy Life, and that we support them without any costs, will also contribute to making it difficult for opposition. They will tell other IT companies (our opposition) who approach them that they are already working with a Foundation that uses different industries to publish their services to the public… Our media message is that people should Enjoy Life… We encourage South Africans and tourists to support their businesses…
It will be extremely difficult to convince companies, and later on the public to withdraw from the Enjoy Life app… We can therefore with confidence state that our restaurant partners will benefit financially when they partner with us.
Google made Billions when they developed a solution for companies wanting to use websites to reach people. The Homecare Foundation will never make billions, but we can offer value that might exceed what Google does for websites. Phones are the future!
We do not have shareholders; our beneficiaries are bedridden patients and they need funds. With this in mind, you should understand why we need to implement new strategies to successfully raise much needed funding. You will also understand just why this project took years to prepare and why it will take opposition years to catch up.