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Child Protection Organizations

God's app

You will read about the “Enjoy Life” phone app. This will be the phone app known by millions of South Africans and tourists to our country. In our inner circles we refer to the software as “God’s app”. We develop the phone app to support the Holy Spirit.


The software we prepare to distribute in South Africa is specifically developed to look after the most vulnerable people in our country. We cannot use this name (God’s app) in the public domain. Readers however need to understand why we develop this important software.


This specific project is being developed over more than 7-years. There are different other software platforms that we first needed to develop prior to the Enjoy Life phone app.

Pieter and the development team went through “trials and tribulations” while we developed software to support bedridden patients. We decided to publish this section as we feel that it is important for readers to understand that we truly believe God called upon us to take on this HUGE task.


Pieter (our chairman) will share his life’s journey with management teams and he talks about how he actually promised God in 1998 (exactly 20 years ago) that he will be available if God needs him.


His journey with God started in 1998 where he got involved in the IT industry. Pieter worked on numerous projects, and without knowing it, he needed to get experience in different industries, so that he will be able to develop the software required to help bedridden patients and now also child protection organizations.


The current team involved has been working with each other since 2003. It is not only Pieter’s experience that is required to help child protection organizations. There are numerous other specialists involved. It is the combination of the team and the knowledge required about how different industries work that creates a unique opportunity to help child protection organizations.


Readers must know that it will take much more than technology alone to help more than 10 000 employees at Non-Governmental Welfare Organizations to become free of financial constraints. We need to pray for God’s guidance with the development plan. We will always pray that God remains involved as He needs to help the people we want to benefit. You will later read about a journey and how God even prevented Pieter from launching the Enjoy Life app while the project was only focussed on Pieter’s ideas. God literally prevented the team to finalize the software development.  


There is only one chance to ensure that the Enjoy Life app will succeed in its’ purpose. We also believe that God even provided the solution to help child protection organizations get access to most likely the most expensive software platform ever, without the need to use their limited financial resources. Nothing in this project plan was known beforehand. Everything happened in blocks. You will later read how the Enjoy Life phone app will even help the churches. In our humble opinion, God is AMAZING!

Most of our board members has family who has been diagnosed with motor neuron disease. Our chairman’s younger brother (Johan is now 43 years old) is struggling with Multiple Sclerosis. It is such a devastating disease and it is having an enormous impact on families of these patients. Johan’s courage is what drives Pieter to push the IT team forward so that the phone app can be launched.

This specific project started in 2011 where Pieter initially wanted to support his brother financially. It was initially a small software platform that was developed to support him.


Pieter and his team initially developed software (advanced print technology) for the motor industry in order to raise funds. The media strategy was to inform vehicle buyers about the pain that families and patients experienced.

God didn’t want Pieter to use these kinds of media to support bedridden patients. Pieter had a dream one night. In his dream God showed him thousands of people on their knees, praying and weeping.


Pieter realized that it wasn’t the patients that were crying…. It was the caretakers of these patients. Johan for example is so excited about the near future where he will be in heaven. He cannot wait for the day to arrive.


This dream ignited a drive in Pieter to develop software in order to support caretakers. The CSE team (his company) needed to develop the software required that will make it possible to support caretakers looking after bedridden patients.

Personalized magazines

The team also developed print technology that would have been used to print coffee table magazines for companies with reception areas and for rooms in guesthouses, lodges and boutique hotels.


These magazines would have included editorials about the bedridden patients and how management teams of the guesthouses are involved in assisting bedridden patients. We include one example and you are welcome to download one of these media pages. Note that we wanted to print editorials where we would have used captions such as “Stop their tears”. It was a huge task to develop software that is able to print one magazine with such personalized content. We would have stocked thousands of guesthouses with coffee table / room magazines.


God however did not want the project to proceed while our chairman wanted to use such media that explains the heart people experience.


God revealed to Pieter in another dream that the only way to successfully raise funds would be to focus on the positive… We are living in a world where people in general, do not want to know about another person’s pain…



The initial software (Advanced print software) enables the CSE team to print editorials where photos of people in wheel chairs could be used to inform vehicle buyers about the pain motor neuron patients and their caretakers experience.

The team already started with production in the motor industry to evaluate the advanced print technology. You are welcome to quickly read how motor clients responded to our media when we explained that motor sales executives are gearing up to support bedridden patients.

Anchor 1

God needed much more than advanced print technology to ensure that people He wants to help will receive the finances needed… Only phone technology can ensure that Millions can be raised. You will even later read how God intervened with a “Freak accident” to ensure that Pieter and his team do not develop software where the Holy Spirit cannot interact with people…


Development on the Enjoy Life phone app only commenced in early 2017. You will read how this unique project will only focus on the positive… how people will be helped to “Enjoy Life” There will be no media explaining the tremendous pain patients and families experience.


Pieter had another dream that woke him early on Thursday morning the 22nd of June 2017. It was around 04H00 early in the morning that he woke up with a dream where he just heard “Thank you my son”.

It was during that week that Pieter negotiated with CSFS (Another IT company based in Centurion) to support the project with data and server hosting. He was really tired the night before and as he explained, and went into a deep sleep.


Readers should know that this project took a lot of energy out of the entire team. It is long hours that goes into software development.


Pieter was suddenly wide awake and he knew why God spoke to him through his dreams. He realized that with the development of the Enjoy Life phone app, that the Homecare Foundation is creating an infrastructure that can be used by the Holy Spirit.


You will later read how even low-income people can help with child protection and support bedridden patients without the need to donate any funds out of their own pockets. Phone users will, just by clicking on a “service rating” button be able to raise funds for bedridden patients… Their actions will now also raise funds for child protection branches…

The Holy Spirit will drive/encourage phone users to click this service rating button. It will be extremely difficult for example to encourage a foreigner who is on holiday in South Africa to list an NPO’s bank account on their banking systems abroad, and expect them to donate funds towards South African NPO’s.


The unique infrastructure which you will read about, can make it easy for foreigners to help.


This website might be the most important website that you will ever read. We explain how God’s app can support people in need.

God is never late! We do not always understand His time… God is Always on TIME. The software we are setting up will be in time to help provide to people praying for relieve… It might be that child protection management teams are also praying for miracles…

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