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R10 million from South African Enjoy Life app users


We plan a fairly large percentage of income out of support from the public. We know it is possible since we use phone app technology specifically designed to support us in our fundraising drive.


We expect great results as we thank each app user for supporting the Foundation when we receive donations. We immediately provide feedback on how donations are utilized to support patients.


The process will now be as follow:

  1. Enjoy Life app user can inform restaurant or fuel station that he/she wants to donate funds towards the Homecare Foundation when they order meals or want to pay for products they buy from the fuel station.

  2. All the companies we partner with can list “donation towards the Homecare Foundation” as an Item on their billing systems. (Non-VAT item)

  3. It is almost like buying “airtime”. You tell the waiter or person at the till you want to donate R20. They bill you with all your other items you buy.

  4. You pay your total bill with your FNB card, hence you actually earn e-bugs on the transaction. FNB reward you on your spending and they do not give you e-bugs for specific items. If you tip the waiter and you pay the bill with your card, you earn e-bugs on the tip amount as well.

  5. The Foundation does not compete against any Loyalty program.     


We expect reasonable support from the public. We want to point out that we truly believe it is possible to get 2 million app users out of our 50 million population. There are such a huge number of people that lives in our country and that are concerned about our economy. If more than 1 million people can drive thousands of kilometres just for a prayer meeting during April 2017, then we believe to support 2 million people with what is important to them… helping them to Enjoy Life and simultaneously help patients will without any doubt enable us to reach 2 million targets. We make it easy for people to donate and we can explain that people often pay R10 per day towards car guards. To donate R10 per month is a reasonable request!


We know that only a percentage of the app users will make small donations. We believe that 200 000 users will on average donate R10 per month, 150 000 users will donate R20 per months and 100 000 users will donate R50 per month. This will bring in R10 million towards patients.

​R5 million from Foreigner Enjoy Life app users

There are more than 15 million tourists on holiday per year in South Africa and we believe with the correct media campaigns that they will donate to help patients


Tourists will be informed that South African companies stand together to assist our government who do their best to support a large number of South Africans with social grants. We go the extra mile to help people in frail care. Our Rand/dollar exchange rate make it affordable for tourists to make in their mind small donations. We might reach R5 million with the correct media campaigns behind the project (50 000 tourists donate on average R100).

R2.7 million from Enjoy Life app media support

Media is highly expensive for companies. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) or better known as “Push notification technology” that we use in the Enjoy Life app to support companies, enables us to offer better media support, at a lower cost structure. Media is important for companies and it will be foolish for companies to stop with marketing, especially when the economy is under distress.

The Homecare team negotiates with numerous companies to support the Foundation. We ask business owners to donate 30% of the amount we saved in marketing costs.

There are companies that spend more than R5 000 per month on printed media advertisements. They print inserts that is inserted into their local weekly newspapers. The Foundation will over time help these companies to reduce at least 50% on printed media spending. (They might eventually stop these costs in total) The Enjoy life app will “push” advertisements on residents’ phones and the advertisements will also reach people who entered the business’s catchment area. Tourists or people from other cities do not always pick up local newspapers. They therefore are not aware about promotions from local businesses. It will also be possible to reach people with more "up to date" information on specials. Printed media is slow in this regard. It will take the project a few months, but eventually the business owner will be able to at least half his/her printed media costs. We will within months drop their other media costs such as SMS costs as well.

We hope to support at least 1 500 larger businesses with such huge cost savings. The Foundation will also support smaller businesses for example the Video shop that rent out movies. There are smaller businesses that can hardly afford media costs at the moment. We expect to receive on average R350 donation per month from small companies.

We forecast to work with 4 500 companies nationally. Companies in small towns might donate R100 per month towards bedridden patients. We provide free media and ask for donations towards patients. Business owners will help, as they know we help people in their communities. (The community might support them for looking after vulnerable people)

Our plan to develop media software has three important benefits:

  1. One is to help companies save money.

  2. It helps companies that cannot afford media, to use it in order to increase business. An example would be a Video shop can in future message residents in their catchment area of new movie releases which might increase rentals of new releases. The video shop can also reach tourists and South Africans from other towns who are on holiday in the area…

  3. The most important benefit is that we can convey to South Africans and to foreigners the actual shortcomings that caretakers have on their budgets to support bedridden patients. This is truly important. The reporting even includes how many people did not receive our financial support for a specific month due to the fact that we could not verify that these patients were still alive.

    Our commitment towards caretakers is simple. We distribute the available funds proportional to shortfalls on their budgets if we were able to confirm that the patient is alive. There are procedures in place to monitor this. We manage funds we raised from companies in the private sector as well as donations from the public. Caretakers know that they can only rely on whatever donations we were able to raise. We are confident that exceptional reporting systems will encourage the public to support on a larger scale. We also know that reporting back to businesses we work with will also help to increase support.


Free media support:

We also update readers about our action plan to support a large number of companies with free media support. These companies are accommodation companies and companies that offer services to tourists.


We know that a large number of these companies will eventually also donate to help patients. They are our clients and we do provide free support. They however save money and they will receive our monthly progress reports, explaining the financial need of people within their communities.

We want to point out our action plan to support accommodation companies with the Enjoy Life app. We believe it is an important service to offer accommodation opportunities to tourists and then also to South Africans who go on holiday or who might need accommodation for business trips. It is a service that will increase the value of the Enjoy Life app.

These companies will eventually make larger profits when they use the Enjoy Life app. We will provide them clients for whom they do not need to pay Booking fee commissions. (There are booking agencies that charge accommodation companies up to 17% booking fees.)

We have an implementation plan that we negotiate with accommodation companies. This implementation plan will also help the Fast-food and other businesses. (Remember that we do a lot to ensure that people download the app for free). The TOTAL cost savings that the Accommodation companies will receive will be implemented over a two-year period.

The following example explains:

Accommodation company offers a room at R1 350 per night. This is the asking price that booking agencies advertise. There are numerous booking agencies and they all ask different rates, but the average is 15% per client.

When a client book via, the accommodation company will receive R1 350 minus R202.50 (15% booking commission)

=  R1 147.50 

Our strategy is to use the Enjoy life app with a media campaign. When you book via the Enjoy Life app, you will receive 10% discount from all the companies listed on the Enjoy Life app. The asking price is R1 350. Client pay at accommodation company R1 215 and save R135 per night. The accommodation company will immediately also receive more money per booking (between 5% and 7%).

We will a year later offer 5% discount on all bookings and eventually not offer discounts at all. This will help accommodation companies during the tough period in our economy and they will eventually make larger profits.

We know that none of the existing booking agencies will be able to offer similar deals. Remember that accommodation companies needed to increase their asking rates to accommodate booking agencies. There is no booking agency that can function without booking fee commissions. They will also not be able to force the entire accommodation industry down in their asking prices so that they can advertise a 10% discount on all bookings made via their booking platform.

We view accommodation companies as business partners and we develop functions that only phone app technology can do, to help them do more effective business.     

One such function is to use “Push Notification” technology to notify tourists (People that travel and manage their own bookings) when they have rooms available. Tourists that drives into a town will receive push messages from accommodation companies that are not fully booked. This will help accommodation companies to make contact with people in need of accommodation and the service also help the tourists. They will not phone companies that are fully booked.

Raise at least R1.13 million per month from more than 3 000 fundraising events per year

One of our other focus points in this project is to assist the 1 500 Estate Agent Ambassadors with smaller fundraising events. An event could be as small as 10 kids playing a chess match to raise R300 for the patients.

We divide our fundraising events into 3 categories:

Category A:

We plan to host at least 3 large events similar to “Afrikaans is Groot” or Huisgenoot Skou Spel etc. We develop software to support event companies and the musicians in our country.


We will represent all the different diseases. We will help Cancer patients, Alzheimer patients, Motor Neuron patients…any patient that became in need of “frail care” support. We therefore believe that South Africans will support our larger fundraising drives.


Our plan is to host at least one large event per year in Gauteng, Western Cape and in Kwazulu-Natal.


We will also host smaller fundraising events where we for example invite 2 artists to perform in larger towns across South Africa. (Nelspruit, Klerksdorp, etc.)


The Enjoy Life phone app will be used to notify people about the events. We expect to raise R8.5 million per year after artists and event costs has been paid.

Category B:  

Our target is to host at least 120 golf days nationally per year. Each property principal is tasked to host one golf day per year in the city/town they represent.


The Enjoy Life app will be instrumental in the golf day invitations. The property principal will invite all our other business partners using the phone app in their area. Each business partner will be asked to bring their clients. Example of such business partners is the Spar owner, the butcher, the hairdresser, the list of companies is almost endless. Business partners who do not play golf themselves will be asked to invite their clients that do play golf to participate.


The golf day will be advertised for example as a Re/Max/Homecare or a Propertycoza/Homecare golf day. It is a golf day in partnership with the property company. We expect to raise on average R14 500 per golf day (R1.7 million targets per year).

Category C:

Estate agents working for the property companies are tasked to support us with smaller fundraising drives.

Each agent is required to host at least 1 event every three months (Between 3 to 4 events per year).

With more than 1 500 “Ambassadors” the Foundation will exceed 4 500 fundraising events per year. These smaller events are more focused on ensuring that the Foundation and the Enjoy Life app remains well-known.

The Enjoy Life app will also play a critical part in the smaller fundraising projects. A large focus point is to involve school kids and students in these campaigns.

Our objective is that estate agents should teach kids to value life. Children must be aware about the fact that people often get into positions where they need frail care support. We want to teach kids that they should save their money to buy things they want in life.

The following example explain:

  1. Estate agent decide to host a chess competition amongst 10 school kids.

  2. Agent is listed as an official “Ambassador” and has a reference number on our system.

  3. Agent will list the competition on our platform as an official fundraising event. The board will provide her with a letter to confirm that we will support her with the event she administrates.

  4. If she needs additional players, she can request that we push a notification to all the school kids in her catchment area so that she can invite additional players.

  5. She hosts the event with R500 prize money for the winner. The winnings will be utilized to help winner with his/her “Bucket List item”.

  6. Each player donates R100 and use the agent’s reference number when they donate.

  7. The Foundation receives R1 000 in funds and we wait for the agent to notify us who the winner is.

  8. The winner will be asked to list a “bucket list item” he/she would like to fulfil. We know that kids will plan “bucket lists” totally different from what adults would do. They will list that they want to buy a “skateboard” or expensive clothes etc.

  9. The Homecare Bucket list team will contact the winner and inform him/her that we will use the R500 to help with one item. We will select an item where the cost is still more than the winnings. For example, the kid wants to buy a “skateboard” and the cost of such board is R1200. We will ask our partner supplying sport equipment for a small discount to help the child. We might now get the skateboard for R900. We will then inform the winner that he/she needs to save R400, so that we can help him/her to buy the “skateboard”

  10. The Foundation will only receive R500 after the prize money has been deducted.

  11. We will also allocate R150 towards the estate agent’s bucket list fund for hosting the event. The nett effect is that the Foundation will only receive R350 for the entire event.

Most organizations will not put in effort to raise such small amounts... We however believe that it is truly important to support even the smallest event. We need advanced software for this action plan. The software needs to integrate with the financial systems and with the bucket list software. We cannot manage thousands of events without software where we need to track the funds raised and link it to the correct agent and to support the winner of such event.

Hosting the smaller events will also have other important benefits.

First, the school kid will learn a valuable lesson. The Foundation can help bedridden patients, but with all the energy combined from thousands of companies, we can never fulfil in the patients’ financial shortfall. We can only help the patient partially. It is the same with the child. We work in partnership with companies to help the kid, but he/she still need to save money (hopefully work for it) to be able to tick his/her “Bucket list” item.

We also allocate 15% of the smaller fundraising event’s funds towards funding the estate agent’s bucket list items. We want to encourage estate agents to host more events. They might host for example a mini cricket event or cycling events etc. The agent might raise R10 000 out of certain events. The 15% commission enables us to help the agent tick his/her own “bucket list” items. We implement a simple business plan. An agent can save R15 000 during a year by hosting medium size events. We negotiate discounts from our other business partners to help the agent eventually tick fairly large “bucket list” items.

We expect that the estate agents will eventually host much more than 3 events per year. We encourage them to interact with schools and this will help them in their businesses selling/letting properties as well.

We will receive an additional R1 575 000 donation income per year if we only host 4 500 smaller events and we only receive R350 per event. We believe that larger events will bring in up to R10 000. We might host op to 6 000 events if we plan our structure well.

Our objective target of R1.13 million per month from all 3 Categories of fundraising events will therefore be achievable.

© 2015 Home Care

Impairment Homecare NPC 2015/393733/08

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